Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Perception and Creativity in the Life of Tupac Term Paper

Perception and Creativity in the Life of Tupac - Term Paper ExampleThe object of psychoanalysis for the purpose of this assignment is Tupac Shakur as a significant figure of change in the harmony industry. He is among the pioneers of rap music in the 1990s. Tupac was a dynamic artist and influential to most African American youths as well as white people in the United State. His life story is animate by change and struggle towards right. He was well cognise as the most influential artists of his time. This written document tends to explore the relationship between transformation of location and transition in creativity and focuses on Tupacs life. Tupac is known for the representative of Western Hip-hop. However he was born in New York. Tupac Shakur was born of dickens popular members of the Black Panther party Afeni and Billy Shakur. He was born at the time her find had been convicted with bombing charges. He was first named Tupac Amur which meant the shining serpent. While gro wing up in the north coast, Shakur pass much of his teenage life in acting. He featured in his first movie which was known as A Raisin in the Sun. this was produced by the Apollo Theatres as a benefit of Jesse Jacksons presidential campaign in 1983. He then moved to the Baltimore School of Art. Tupac moved to the west coast afterwards dropping out of the film school. He was 17 years old. While in the south coast, he settled in Marin County California. This is where his career transformed from acting to rap as he became a roadie and social dancer for Digital Underground rap group. Since then, he became popular to rap music featuring in the groups albums such as son of the P and the EP which were released in 1991 and 1990 respectively. As an underground artist, he signed Interscope music productions and released an album 2pacalpse in 1992. The album became famous for its message on racial strength. He then stop his acting career with the film Gang related posing as a sidekick to pile Belushi. At this point, his main focus shifted from movies to music.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Report about Vodafone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Report about Vodafone - Essay ExampleA internet divine service volunteerr is an organisation which is involved in the selling of bandwidth or gives access to its network to facilitate communication. Telecom network in UK plays a vital role in the growth of its economy. It accounts for nigh 75% of the total service revenue in the UKs communication sector. The revenue from translator service was on the higher side prior to 2009, precisely started declining thereafter. During the same time the industry witnessed a monumental growth in the internet segment. The widened accessibility of rapidly fast broadband network and the changing consume of consumers in the UK market do it possible. There was a huge increase in the number of unsettled internet user (Ofcom, 2010, p.279). The shams of the industry includes orange and T-mobile, Vodafone, O2, 3 mobile service and others. The name Vodafone appeared from the words voice data-phone and collectively got its name, Vodafone. Vodafone group Plc. is an organisation indulged in the business of providing telecommunication services. The comp whatsoever was headquarters at Berkshire, but recently it has changed its viewpoint to London, United Kingdom (BBC, 2009). It has its presence in Europe, Africa, Asia pacific, Middle East and the United States of America. It employs near 70,000 employees around the world. Vodafone has its presence in 30 countries around the world and also holds a mammoth base of 371 million subscribers around the world (Vodafone, n.d.). In this changing environs and rapid technological development has made the customers to demand at the extremes levels. Therefore in order to satisfy its customers the network of Vodafone gets periodically updated with the launch of any technicalities. To cite an example the troupe has incorporated the 3G applied science in its network. It has made possible for the company to provide the subscribers with the access of voice communication as well as data transfe r at a rapid rate. The competitors of the company includes 3 mobiles, telenor, airtel, t-mobile, AT & T, orange mobile, pennon, TMN etc. and also other local player belonging to different countries. Mission Statement The company has put forward its mission statement as We will be the communications leader in an increasingly connected world. The mission symbolizes that the company is optimistic in nature. The company is currently the third largest telecom provider of the world after chinaware mobile and singtel according to the number of customer. Therefore the company clearly portrays that they would like to achieve the elite do in the years to come. The company is also highly focused on developing the products which goes according to the technology as well as which satisfies the need of the customers. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a rooster which is used to do strategic planning and is also used to evaluate the internal strengths & weakness as well as the external opportunities and threats. Therefore it is considered as essential element which matches the companys capabilities and resources to the environment where it operates along with its competitors (Richter & Pahl, 2009, p.1). The SWOT analysis of Vodafone has been illustrated below- Internal Strengths International presence Huge Brand set Technically up to date products Weakness Poor connectivity in some rural areas. Depends on European market External Opportunity Larger geographical access Sound diversification strategy Threats hugely competitive and saturated market. Emergence of low priced

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Product Design in Cyberspace Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Product Design in Cyberspace - Case sphere ExampleGames are being made on subjects that include but are not express to sex, rape, murder, robbery, fight, theft, insult and humiliation. This paper discusses whether or not video game designers should make games that are too flushed for innocent minds. It has been observed that children who have a habit or liking for playing games spend a major portion of their day playing them. This can fundamentally be attributed to the task oriented spirit of the games. A vast majority of games are about striving to achieve a certain goal. Having achieved which, the pseudo is taken to the next level. Unless all the levels are cleared, the player would keep struggling hard. The complex plots require the children to perplex in their maximum effort. In an attempt to conceive the game strategy and achieve the goal, children tend to con the plot of the game and in their subconscious, they tend to approve all that is conveyed to them through the ga me. This can be estimated from the incident that the abbreviated language children use to communicate with one another in the virtual world reflects in the speech they deliver in the real world as well. However, this is only one aspect in which the children are affected that most of us are aware of simply because it is so obvious. There are more harsh realities that many of us do not know because they do not convey up as obviously as language does.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

H&M Communication Campaign Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

H&M Communication Campaign - Case Study ExampleThe realisation of that potential, however, is detail upon the formulation and implementation of a market plan as which would create consumer cognizance of the brand, on the champion hand, and incite the purchasing decision on the former(a). This necessitates the capitalisation upon both bloody shame and H&Ms already subsisting market appeal and pre-existing consumer loyalty and trust.To ensure the popularisation of the brand, it is imperative that M by bloody shame engage in a marketing communication campaign designed to disseminate information almost the line and to familiarise the consumer style market with it. The primary goal of the campaign is to increase market awareness of the line, with campaign success measured in terms of message penetration as evidenced done sales figures.The campaign will be comprised of a mix of advertising and public relations, supported with reign over mail. Paid advertisements will target the defi ned global consumer segment and public relations, the launching of the lines in respective(a) markets. Advertising will consist of magazine, billboards (outdoor advertising) and TV. Public relations will consist of the distribution of promotion packages at the launch events, with the former being highly publicised events featuring celebrity guests.M By Madonna offers the smart young consumer an entire elbow room divagate at an inexpensive price. Realising the importance of dress as a statement about who one is and where one is heading, the line extends consumers the opportunity to look fashionable and expensive without having to pay dear for it.3BackgroundFounded in 1947, H&M has grown from a small Swedish fashion outlet to one of the worlds largest fashion retailers, with over 1,300 stores and operations in 24 countries. Always associated with the youth market, H&M provides both male and female fashion consumers with trendy, often jet-setting, fashions and high quality produc ts at affordable prices (Nolan, 2006). As such, it provides the youth market with the haut couture look at retail prices. The Madonna-H&M venture is a potentially promising addition to the youth fashion market. The resultant line, M By Madonna, provides the youth consumer with an entire range of youth clothing and accessories, suitable for wear at the office, at university/school, for leisure, formal and casual occasions. It is, in other words, a highly varied, multi-purpose line. M By Madonna combines between youthfulness and elegance and, as such, provides the fashion consumer with timeless, multi-purpose and multi-occasion designs. Distributed to fashion stores across the world, not to mention H&M outlets in March 2007, the line has horrendous market potential should the campaign succeed in capitalising upon both H&M and Madonnas market reputations and consumer appeals.4Situation Analysis4.1GoalsThe primary goal of this communication campaign is to create consumer awareness of t hem by Madonna line and disseminate relevant information regarding points of acquire, whether physical (stores) or virtual (web) locations.The secondary goal is to ascension the visibility level of M By Madonna, in what has often been referred to as an increasingly retail-crowded consumer market milieu and to establish awareness of the line as the optimal youth fashion choice.Other goals can be expressed as followsPositioning of the lineBrandingInfluencing positive consumer perceptions of he fashion line, thereby inciting the purchase

Friday, April 26, 2019

Is it possible to overcome Euthyphro's Dilemma Explain Research Paper

Is it possible to overcome Euthyphros Dilemma Explain - Research Paper congressmanFrom therefore onwards, the segregation of right and wrong started in this world. Socrates has once asked a difficult move to Euthyphro some morality or ethics. Almost all the objections to theistic ethics can be thought to fall from the famous Euthyphro dilemma(Bagget and Walls, p.4). In a conversation between Euthyphro and Socrates Euthyphro asserts that holiness is what all the gods love, and unholiness is what they hate (Joyce, p.50). Socrates asked him a confusing question Is the pious being love by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being love by the gods?(Bagget and Walls, p.32). In new(prenominal) words, Euthyphro faced the dilemma of whether to define morality in terms of forget of immortal, or it should be perceived as the actions of god. Plenty of theologian and philosophers struggled to explain or answer Euthyphros dilemma. This paper analyses the above quest ion in a philosophical manner and explores the possibilities of overcoming this dilemma. Before answering the question of morality, it is necessary to discuss something astir(predicate) God. No science or technology has yet succeeded in institution the mysteries surrounding life before birth and life after death. If the soul is the driving force merchantman human body, what happens to our soul after our death is often a confusing question. ... For example, a computer or robot cannot work properly without instructions from humans even though it may have top-hole abilities. In other words, computers or robots may never become superior to humans. Same way God is always superior to us because of his superior power and abilities which are beyond the grasping power of humans. outright come to the question Is the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods?. The answer should be the first one. Even though God knows everything happening in this world, he is not interfering in all things happening on earth. Bible and Quran have references about the existences of crime forces in this world. Many citizenry have the doubt that if God is a holy entity, then why he permitted the interactions of evil forces in this world which is created by God. The evil forces always try to append their strength by forcing people to commit sins in order to question the authorities of God. On the other hand, God has no necessities to strengthen his kingdom with the help of external forces since no external forces can contend his supremacy ever. The evil forces are making a desperate effort to challenge Gods supremacy. God sent the human to this world with a mission. He wanted only the right people in his eternal kingdom. Earth is a laboratory for God in which the reactants like humans and evil forces interact each other. These interactions will create certain products, which may be analyzed by the God later. Those who succe eded in defeating the efforts of evil forces may join God in his kingdom, whereas others will be destroyed in this world itself. In order to conduct his testing process successfully, God allows evil forces to make their own efforts to

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Industrialization after the Civil War Assignment

Industrialization after the Civil contend - Assignment ExampleAs the report stresses the exhaustion of the war, ironically, created an atmosphere of peace. This gave vent to the entrepreneurial aspirations of the citizens. But the opportunities were non uniform or equitable. The privileged White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) community, which owned most of the properties, continued its stinting and social dominance. It was this preordained economic privilege for the community that would give rise to such great industrialists as heat content Ford, John Rockefeller, etc. These luminaries were the first great capitalists of the country. Indeed they would develop great companies like Standard oil and Ford Motor Company, which would supersede in scale and revenues even some older establishments in Europe.From this piece of music it is clear that the rapid pace of industrial growth had a major socio-cultural impact. It affected the life of the norm working American in many different w ays. The most important change they witnesses is the transformation of the modality of livelihood from independent small-farmers to wage-earning factory workers. In fact, the late 19th century labor pack was saturated with discussions on such fundamental changes. This transformation was not a smooth and swift extremity at all. Most small farmers put their independence ahead of job security. They moreover perceived receiving takings from a capitalist master as a slur on their dignity.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Presentation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Presentation - Assignment compositors caseOur strategy is to become the clear market leader in internet sales. This strategy of choice go issue ensure that we give our customers the best services that is worth their money. This strategy also makes it easier for our company to focus on the intended objectives and ensure that our customers are left with the urge of getting even more.At Fingent, we are brand to settle for nothing but the best in the market, seeing to it that we produce quality products and service delivery. In essence, we settle for nothing less than excellence. This will also set confidence in our company among our see customers who will not think that we are just but making a buck whichever modality we possibly can.To start with, our company has identified its target customers which is also the target market. Having this in place, we are qualifying to be as unique as we possibly can to be able to outdo our competitors out there. We have also embarked on effecti ve and efficient net profiting which will ensure that we widen our scope and network in the market.Hart, Ted, James M. Greenfield, and Michael W. Johnston.Nonprofit Internet Strategies Best Practices for Marketing, Communications, and Fundraising Success. Hoboken, N.J Wiley, 2005. Internet