Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Diversity of World Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity of World Music - Essay Example These are music from Indonesia, Jazanese Gamelan music and ethiojazz. Music has been used by many communities to communicate. Moreover, music has exhibited the obvious influences of other cultures by the mix in instruments or words in the songs. An example is the gamelan music which is an original and traditional Indonesian music. The instruments and the music flow however display heavy influence of Hinduism and Buddhism cultures (Born, 168). In addition, the gamelan uses an instrument called rebab which is an Islamic instrument. This shows the Indonesia people trying to interact with the Hindu, Buddhism and Islam culture. The history of the gamelan music can be traced to the period where hindu-budhist tradition dominated Indonesia. On fact in Indonesia culture Hindu culture has heavily influenced many art works. The gamelan is often considered Javanese by outsiders who relate it more to the java culture based on the instruments and music flow. This is so In that java music exhibits a wider diversity since it was an island that was transverse by many differentcultures. Thus, its music comprises of old, traditional, contemporary and unique styles which looks and feels different from the normal Indonesian music. This is a cross cultural interaction since Indonesians and the Hindus were living together at one point they had to interact and what better way than use of music. This is the music of the Ethiopians and it is a mix of Ethiopian music and jazz music hence the name ethiojazz which basically means Ethiopian jazz. This name has been used distinctively to show that there is other jazz music but this is specifically Ethiopian. This is a cross cultural communication to the world that Ethiopia has their own jazz music apart from the jazz they know. Ethiojazz has been made widely afamous by one Mulatu Astatke. Ethiojazz is generally a mix of traditional Ethiopian music blended together with soul music, Latin rhythms and afro-funk music (Born,

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