Monday, September 30, 2019

Baby Dumping

Today, in our society, every age, they need to deal with the problem. An era of some of the problems may be different from another era problem, it could be the same. High school students, especially in the face so many problems. Five issues high school students face these days, illegal racing, use of drugs and alcohol abuse, free sex, abortion and baby dumping. Problems usually follow the flow, first racing, it is usually held in the evening, of course, it is troublesome to other road users. In addition, it can also be deadly man. After the game, they will usually go to a nightclub. It is they start drugs, become addicted to alcohol places. When they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, which will cause them to have an unprotected sex, which means that sex did not take any preventive pregnancy. High school students are too immature to fully understand the impact of no sex, it is possible for their lives. Therefore, there is no doubt, because that would create another problem. For a given problem is abortion and baby dumping. Unintended pregnancy scare, aborted babies before they take risks, their families know that physical changes after. Abortion is a dangerous act, which may be fatal mother. But in a desperate situation like this, they can not rationally think. But not everyone has enough intuition, abortion to take the risk. Some of them decided to give birth to a baby, but then the end of it, for some reason, they dumped the baby did not hesitate. Dump the baby means that they throw away after the baby is not in any place to take care of it. Typically, the baby is in a dump after they were born. In most cases, the baby was already dead when they find someone else. Baby Dumping Today, in our society, every age, they need to deal with the problem. An era of some of the problems may be different from another era problem, it could be the same. High school students, especially in the face so many problems. Five issues high school students face these days, illegal racing, use of drugs and alcohol abuse, free sex, abortion and baby dumping. Problems usually follow the flow, first racing, it is usually held in the evening, of course, it is troublesome to other road users. In addition, it can also be deadly man. After the game, they will usually go to a nightclub. It is they start drugs, become addicted to alcohol places. When they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, which will cause them to have an unprotected sex, which means that sex did not take any preventive pregnancy. High school students are too immature to fully understand the impact of no sex, it is possible for their lives. Therefore, there is no doubt, because that would create another problem. For a given problem is abortion and baby dumping. Unintended pregnancy scare, aborted babies before they take risks, their families know that physical changes after. Abortion is a dangerous act, which may be fatal mother. But in a desperate situation like this, they can not rationally think. But not everyone has enough intuition, abortion to take the risk. Some of them decided to give birth to a baby, but then the end of it, for some reason, they dumped the baby did not hesitate. Dump the baby means that they throw away after the baby is not in any place to take care of it. Typically, the baby is in a dump after they were born. In most cases, the baby was already dead when they find someone else.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Evolution Of American Slavery

Indentured servitude was, in Colonial America, one of the first forms of slavery. Indentured servitude was a successful in that it gave both the master and servant, or slave, incentive to do their job. Indentured servants were contracted in for a period of time, typically five years, in which at the time of completion they received freedom dues. Freedom dues were money, land, and guns and such. All expenses of travel and living were paid by the master, so it seemed like a great plan for a poor Englishmen, but was not at all the case. Only forty percent of indentured reverts lived to complete their contracts.Following indentured servants, the first African slaves came into Virginia in 1619. Colonial America would soon fall dependent upon African slaves, and by 1 700 African slave establishment would nearly entirely replace indentured servants. In this year there were around 27,81 7 slaves. In 1740, there were 1 50,024 slaves. Within thirty years after the slave population had grown to nearly a fifth of the colonial population, at 462,000. The European demand for tobacco soon became a primary drive for slaveholders. It is estimated that between 1700 and 1 775 theChesapeake slave population grew from 1 to 1 million. Tobacco became a major economic factor, and slaves were needed to farm the large amounts desired to export. This brought a higher demand for slaves as well. The population of saves began to grow everywhere. As slave numbers increased, so the racial difference between blacks and whites. Slaves had poor conditions most of the timer and in result came revolts and abolition movements. The most well known revolt was led by Nat Turner, a slave and preacher. The revolt was a short and bloody attack on Southampton County, Virginia.Revolts were usually covered before they ever actually took action. Acts like these were not tolerated, and all people involved were to be hung. Cases were brought to the Supreme Court in the defense of and removal of slavery. Cases backing the removal of slavery usually lost. One example was the Dried Scott Case. It was ruled that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in the states, and also stated that slaves were not citizens so therefore held no rights in America. Slavery was eventually abolished completely by President Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the declaring of the ThirteenthAmendment. Although Lincoln was assassinated before it was passed, it was passed and put into effect soon after the Civil War. The evolution of slavery in America was a long and complicated issue. From Start to finish, slavery had its perks and downfalls. It was a unfortunate institution for many, and brought many differences throughout its expansion and growth. However, it was necessary in the upbringing of the United States, and so was its abolishment. We still the effects of our past today, and perhaps always will as long as it is studied, as it should.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An evaluation of the modernist art and educational art in the essay avant garde and kitsch by clement greenberg

An evaluation of the modernist art and educational art in the essay avant garde and kitsch by clement greenberg In his essay ‘Avant-garde and Kitsch’, Clement Greenberg claims that avant-garde or modernist art is a tool to prevent the ordinary culture caused by consumerism. Also with in his essay Kitsch gained popularity. The reason of he avant-garde’s arising is to defend aesthetic standards from the negative effects of consumer society over the artistic taste. He keeps avant-garde or art as more superior than kitsch. They are opposite sides according to Greenberg. He thinks that kitsch is much more like an Academic art. This gave a shape to the art and formed some rules to make the art something learnable. Many forms and ideas in contemporary poetry can be understood by analyzing this essay. For Clement, art includes two types: avant-garde and kitsch. Avant-garde takes the top position as a kind moving our society forward and it can be seen a genuine art. It focuses on the art itself and can make the common or minor, unimportant things a part of the art in artistic way. The avant-garde artists managing to do this, mostly are marginalized in modern world. However, even if kitsch has a characteristic of inauthenticity, modern society is more interested in kitsch. Also, kitsch can’t be behind its time. Art and life is connected with each other and this attracts people to kitsch. However, in other side this quality of kitsch can be seen problematic. Like avant-garde, it is not genuine. Kitsch doesn’t need the effort of readers or viewers while genuine art requires people to work hard and to be educated people to be able to acquire artistic ideas. The avant-garde is a product of Western bourgeois culture. It can be said that the capitalist and consumer society created avant-garde. It aimed to pursue art for its own sake but at the same time it couldn’t save itself from the money of bourgeois society. The avant-garde is both an academic and intellectual movement. Rather than being depended on history and tradition, it is about future and potential. Content is not significant, only the form of art itself is of importance. The avant-garde artist is not imitating or re-creating the world, but imitating and re-creating the form the art itself. The bacis principle in avant-garde is that instead of art that imitates life, art that imitates art. The avant-garde art requires a wealthy and educated audience. Kitsch is a product of the industrial revolution which urbanized the masses of Western Europe and America and established universal literacy. According to Greenberg, the kitsch arose to fill a demand for culture coming from the proletariat of industrial countries. It serves to lower class or middle class and that is it is easy to reach by everyone. It can be counted as a synthesis of culture and media. Kitsch is profitable, mechanical and has formulas. While avant-garde needs an educated class, kitsch doesn’t need such an audience to grasp the ideas. The avant garde imitates the process (and system) of art, and kitsch imitates its effect. Greenberg explains that socialism is the only movement that can support the avant- garde, or new culture. The avant-garde pushes its limits and so is producing new cultural value. Even kitsch is disposed to find new ideas in itself from time to time. While the avant-garde represents high culture, kitsch is the product of mass culture or popular culture and so it serves to common man. Some writers may look to do different things in terms of the structure of the work and the sequence of the sentences, while others working in poetry would create new forms and new ways of working. One of the key things about being avant-garde in literature is that it is all about breaking the existing rules about writing, and whether these are in poetry or in fictional writing, pushing the boundary and expressing themselves in a different way that doesnt conform to the existing rules is vital. The avant-garde has made writing an art form that is about more than just telling a story, but is actually about the form as much as the content. Although it can be an unique and individual way of expressing opinions and of working out new ideas, the changes in the format can also limit the audience for such work, and make it more difficult for people to access their work. James Joyce experimented with the medium of writing, and actually being successful in doing so, with landmark works such a s Ulysses he was a author of avant-garde. As well as Joyce, there are many poets who have also helped to push literature forward, and another of the biggest exponents of the avant-garde within literature is Jack Kerouac. With Allen Ginsberg, he brought many new dimensions to the literature. Their poems reflected unthought and unwritten issues not spoken until that day. If we give an example from world literature the most important example can be Franz Kafka. He chose to narrate the issues through different way of narration as in ‘Metamorphosis’ by using an insect character. The avant-garde painters tried new forms and things in their paintings like writers or poets. George Braque can be a good example. He is a French and develeops new art style, Cubism. With this new style he brings a new dimension to painting. As avant-garde requires, it needs a certain education or culture to grasp the ideas behind the products. In George Braque’s paintings, a common man can have difficulty in understanding art. George O’Keeffe is another important artist. She is an American artist. She is known as the mother of American modernism. Like many other avant-garde products, her art forces people to understand and needs some culture. As a conclusion, the avant-garde and kitsch are opposite sides and both have different audiences from each others. We mostly dealt with the avant-garde in this essay since it requires much more interest with its high-class culture. Kitsch is like a product of mass culture so many people find easy to deal with kitsch products. While kitch can’t go beyond the mediocrity, the avant-garde makes a breakthrough in art and literature. This basic difference between these two art forms create the different forms,audiences and cultures to understand them.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What impact does age has on technostress Research Paper

What impact does age has on technostress - Research Paper Example Adapting to technology is not usually simple, and this has led to a health concern; the pressure resulting from extensive technology use has led to technostress, which is a modern ailment caused by people’s incapability to deal with new technologies in a good way. Technostress also refers to all the unconstructive impacts on behaviors, body physiology, and thoughts resulting directly or indirectly from technology (Coklar & Sahin, 2011). It affects the memory thereby causing people to lose track of what they wanted to say or do. Technostress is usually evident in two different but interconnected forms: in the effort to understand technology and in over-identification with computer technology. It affects professionals and executives, librarians, bankers, students and adolescents, librarians, store clerks, internet users, home computer users, and officer support personnel and many other people. The underlying causes of technostress include issues of technology anxiety, time management, lack of proper training, an increased workload, the quick pace of technological change, the reliability on software and hardware, and lack of standardization with technologies (Ennis, 2005). It is dependent on age, gender, and literacy. Tarafdar et al. (2007) disc overed that the elders experience less technostress than younger people at work, women experience lower technostress than men, and those with superior computer literacy than those who without. Studies investigating the impact of age on technostress are limited and hence this research seeks to examine this relationship. The negative psychological connection between persons and introduction of new technologies affects people’s productivity. Technostress manifests itself in every person in various degrees depending on age. This prevents coping or adapting to information in a healthy way, which prevents them from being productive. Most individuals feel compulsive about

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Ways We Lie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Ways We Lie - Research Paper Example ng copywriter, and an author to Companion through the Darkness, in her writing of â€Å"The Ways We Lie,† tries to bring to light the numerous ways in which human beings lie to each other. The lies are justifiable by those who tell while others are not. She argues that every one of us is bound to lie and we do find excuses to get out of it when caught. There are many types of lying, which are to be discussed in this paper, and giving some examples to show how they are told. Ericsson believes that it is practically impossible to live without lying. She even tried doing that herself for a whole week, and she says that it was ‘paralyzing’ and that ‘there must be a merit to lying’. When you lie, it puts an end to the pressing issue or the situation one is in, but others require a series of lies that could go on for a lifetime. If one is not careful, the truth comes out at some point. All they had told becomes null and they get into trouble. The white lie, we are all guilty of this. When we are with our friends, we often lie to them in their faces so that we cannot hurt their feelings (Krentz, 2007). ‘You look okay in the suit’ we tell this to someone getting into an interview room so that they do not panic before they get an interview for their dream job. If we were to tell them the truth at that moment, they may back out from what they were doing and try to concentrate on the not so important details, which may lead them to fail. Men lie to their women almost every morning before they go to work, ‘Honey, your hair is perfect’, yet they have not even given the hair a look at all. Bergen Evans, an English professor said: A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings. Deflection is another type of lying. It is easily visible in court when you make an accusation against someone and do not have a way to defend themselves. The only option for them is to keep quiet until the other party says something offensive about

Unit 2 Seminar public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 2 Seminar public health - Essay Example The field entails bringing various resources, systems and techniques so as to maximize on the use of medical knowledge wealth, drug breakthroughs and technological advances available. Medical informatics services can be of help in various health settings, including hospital care, rehabilitation centers, primary care facilities and general practice (John, 2009). Health informants can be used to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of a given health facility. The commonest areas that require their services are the administrative, clinical and medical information (O’Carrol, 2010). For instance, there is a great emphasis for implementing a uniformed system of storing medical records electronically. Not only does it cut down health care cost, but also improves the general quality of care of clients. Furthermore, it also has an impact on billing, scheduling, sharing medical information and clinical research. Health communication and information provided by health informants have really been applied in the hospitals in a number of ways. Doctors generally take opportunity of the constantly expanding knowledge base which enables them to make decisions based on latest information. By health informants providing information on effectiveness of certain drugs, doctors eliminate some prescription mistakes they commit (O’Carrol,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Astronomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Astronomy - Essay Example Agnostic individuals do not believe a higher power created the universe. The Big Bang Theory is given as evidence that the Earth and surrounding galaxies were created due to pure science. Hydrogen and helium combined to enact an explosion that after of billions of years created Earth and intelligent life. The agnostic individual also believes that this is Earth’s springtime, when considered in terms of seasons. Everything eventually dies, including the Earth and Sun. It might take billions of years, but the universe will keep dying and renewing at only a predictable rate. Agnostics believe in science due to the provability. The do not believe in a higher power due to lack of proof. Atheists believe no higher power exists. The universe was the results of trivial consequence of cosmic evolution. The stars, moon, planets, and so forth were all created by accident. Human evolution is also considered a lucky fluke by Atheists. No omniscient being could have created the Earth, because the scientific proof shows otherwise. Unlike the agnostic that does not believe because lack of evidence, Atheists believes no higher power ever existed. The astronomy findings and other science are often touted as proof of their beliefs. Intelligent Design is the new compromise that Christians, Islam, Judaism, and even Eastern religions have made about a higher power creating the universe. Basically an Intelligent Design example is of building blocks. When an individual take building blocks with the alphabet or numbers and throw them on the floor, rarely if any design can be determined. The universe is too complex for it to have left to chance. Evolution, according to Intelligent Design, would never occur without being manipulated by a higher power. Christians, Muslims, and Jews believe that God created the universe in six days. Adam and Eve mentioned in these religious texts. These individuals will not even consider astronomy due to the conflict with their belief. Religious

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The rising cost of college tuition Research Paper

The rising cost of college tuition - Research Paper Example Some parents and students harbor the feeling that college education is an investment (Butler and Foundation Heritage 3). Therefore, they anticipate returns from the money spent. The societal perspective towards college education is to a given extent pegged towards cost whereas on another extent pegged towards the value that one would achieve out of this investment. The high cost of college education deprives persons from low-income families to acquire college education. Alongside meeting the high cost of living that has skyrocketed in the last few decades, parents have to spend more dollars in meeting the education needs of their children. The result is a continuous struggle by the low-income communities to change their lives. On the other sense, some analysts hold the view high cost of college education derail the prestige and the status of the United States higher education. Many people have started questioning the whether the students get the value for the money they pay in their bid to acquire college education. The rise in cost of college education in various states is quite astonishing given the need to acquire education for the future. ... Arguably, the challenges as well as the demands in the society seem to limit individuals from stopping the quest for college education. Some critics have pointed out that rate of increase in tuition cost have consistently exceeded the overall inflation rate. The view of critics comparing the rise in college cost to the inflation rate concludes that there has to something wrong somewhere with industry whose firms consistently raise prices faster than the inflation rate. It is unusual for firms to experience growth that is much higher than the inflation rate. The rise in the college cost has predisposed many students to seek alternative funding including acquiring education loans that they are not able to pay until they acquire employment. Many students have huge debts, which they have acquired because of their attempt to seek college education. Further, some students have to enroll for work-study program in order to raise tuition fee for their education. Although education is instrume ntal to the lives of the people today, the high college cost seems to favor a given clique in the society. The cost for engineering or medical course, for example is not affordable to a student who comes from a humble background. The fear that some critics tend to harbor is that while everybody seems to appreciate the importance of education, many might not be able to acquire such services in future especially students from low-income communities (Wilson). Largely, this argument seems to point on social economic constraints experienced by the parents and students from less fortunate families. Since money defines the type of course that a student would pursue in college, there are some possibility that some students would settle on pursuing careers that they did not

Monday, September 23, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility in McDonalds Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility in McDonalds - Essay Example According to the research findings, McDonald’s corporation is the leading retail outlet in fast foods and hamburgers and has grown to be a major multinational in different parts of the world. Today, the company serves over 68 million customers in over 119 countries in different parts of the world including Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.Corporate social responsibility is defined as the relationship that exists between business entities and the society with an aim of giving back and empowering members of the society. Corporate social responsibility brings together business organizations, members of the society and government agencies in an enabling environment. Corporate social responsibility rises above the selfish interest of individual business owners who are motivated by the desire to increase profits at the expense of the society. Corporate social responsibilities engage the society in the process of achieving the missions and objectives of the business organizatio n. This is achieved through the engagement in a number of philanthropic exercises, conservation of the environment and upgrading the economic status of the members of the society. The engagement of business in corporate social responsibility programs is guided by a number of principles aimed at created a leveled playing ground and ensuring that all members of the society benefit from the program. First, corporate social responsibility is controlled by the legal compliance principle, which requires business units to understand and follow both local and international laws which affect its operations in a certain industry. Following procedures such as environmental regulations and treaties signed by the home country of the business demonstrates a commitment to the society and the environment. Corporate social responsibility is also governed by the need to adhere to the customary international laws that govern the operation of various for-profit institutions across the globe. Government agreements and declarations made are binding on all businesses and this must be done based on free will and an understanding of the sector of operation.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Causes of Tension Between Cuba and the United States Essay Example for Free

Causes of Tension Between Cuba and the United States Essay On January 9, 1959, following their successful overthrow of the oppressive Batista regime, a band of freedom fighters, anchored by Fidel Castro, marched through the Cuban capital city of Havana. Upon his arrival, Castro immediately seized control of the Cuban government and declared himself the highest executive of the island nation, Premier of Cuba. In April of 1959, Castro visited the United States in order to gain support for his policies in leading Cuba. The majority of Americans warmly embraced Castro, assuming that this charismatic leader would guide Cuba to democracy (Cuba). Some Americans remained cautious in accepting Castro, however, primarily disturbed by his previously demonstrated socialist sympathies. In the following month, Americans were given reasons to become anti-Castro as the Premier took hold American owned sugar plantations, Cubas multi-national companies, and the nations petroleum holdings (Cuba). By the end of 1959, the nation began to show signs of Communist involvement. Communist affiliated groups took control of the nations military, bureaucracy, and labor movement, and Soviet interest in the island increased. In February of 1960, Anastas Mikoyan, vice-prime minister of the Soviet Union, came to Cuba. . . . A major topic [of the meeting] was the Soviet Unions purchase of Cuban sugar and [the Cuban] purchase of Russian oil (Franqui 66). Following the meeting, the Soviet Union entered into a trade agreement with the USSR, causing the United States to drastically limit the import of Cuban sugar into the nation. In response, Cuba nationalized all remaining American properties and negotiated an expanded trade agreement and loans with the Soviets, causing the United States to break all diplomatic relations with the country (Cuba). Before the end of 1960, the USSR had begun sending military aid to the Cubans. (Cuba) The U. S. government was by now convinced that Cuba had become a Communist state (Dolan 92-93). The falling of Cuba into a Communist regime proved extremely important to the U. S., primarily due to Cubas proximity to the United States, only 90 miles. In addition, there were reports that the Soviet Union intended to make a staging base out of Cuba for the  communization of the other Latin-American countries and rumors that construction projects inside Cuba appeared to be designed for launching missiles (Rivero 170). To stop the spread of Communism in the Western Hemisphere, Americans felt that the islands government had to be toppled (Dolan 93). Upon hearing from Cuban exiles that a great deal of unrest had been present on the island, Washington saw the time as ripe for an invasion attempt (Rivero 183). The U.S. government put the Central Intelligence Agency in charge of plotting the attempt, along with officers from the Pentagon. The goal of the CIA-planned attempt would be to mask American involvement in the coup, so that the United States could not encounter accusations of illegally endangering the sovereignty of an established foreign government (Dolan 93). The plan entailed using Cuban exiles to carry out an uprising, seemingly attempting to liberate their country. Following the planning of the invasion, the CIA utilized their Guatemalan bases in training 1,300 exiles (Dolan 93). News of the supposedly secret plan leaked to Castro, who accused Washington of planning the worst sort of intervention in the islands affairs and damned the United States for dropping the attitude of neutrality it had long professed in regard to Cuba (93). The Premier put the islands defense forces on alert and ordered them to prepare and be ready for an attack. On March 29, 1961, President John F. Kennedy gave the CIA permission to proceed with the launch the Cuban invasion. Changes were made to the plan however, the most important being the ban of U.S. air support of the campaign, excluding air attacks on three Cuban air bases (Rivero 184). Along with the ban came the necessity of a simultaneous mass uprising by the Cuban people (184); without mass popular support, the invasion was doomed to failure. Two days prior to the invasion, B-26 bombers attacked three crucial Cuban air bases, San Antonio, Cubas main base, Camp Liberty in Havana, Castros main headquarters, and the military airport at Santiago de Cuba (Rivero 184). A second wave of B-26 strikes was planned as well, but was called off by President Kennedy, who was suspected to have felt that strong U.S. participation would threaten a war with Russia (Dolan 95). The cancellation of the second group of air strikes left Castro with one-third of his air  force and the goal of destroying the entire air force unfulfilled. Two days after the air strikes took place, approximately 1,500 CIA-supported Cuban exiles landed near the Bay of Pigs. The men were accompanied by old, unmarked American B-26 bombers that dropped leaflets urging the Cuban people to rise against Castro and join the attack force (Dolan 93). The invaders assumed that the leaflets would draw the widespread support of Cubans unhappy with their government. In the three days in which the people would supposedly aid in holding off Castros forces, the invaders were to set up a provisional government and appeal for American help. From there, the United States would recognize the provisional government and intervene in overthrowing the Castro regime (93). The CIA plan assumed excessively, mostly due to the optimism derived from the agencys previous successes in staging coups in Guatemala and Iran, and all of the invasion plans resulted in complete failure: The expected assistance did not come from the islands dissidents. On being hit by Castros air force, the attackers asked that U.S. Navy jets be sent to help them. The planes, however, never appeared, due to the Kennedy-issued ban on U.S. air involvement (Dolan 95). After two days, Castros forces had thoroughly suppressed the attack, killing 150 of the men, and capturing approximately 1,200 of the attackers (95). According to the authors of Cuba and the United States: Troubled Neighbors, Kennedy had never liked the idea (Dolan 95) of an American-sponsored invasion of Cuba, mostly due to his belief that it would undoubtedly fail. The plan had been created under the Eisenhower administration, and Kennedy had little input in its creation. Nevertheless, the President allowed the invasion to occur, and despite his opposition to the whole affair, he accepter full responsibility for its failure because he was in office at the time it was staged (95). While Kennedy had been assured that the plan he approved would be both secret and successful, he discovered too late that it was too large to remain secret and too small to succeed (Wyden 310). Kennedy was greatly upset by the failure of the invasion, and he held himself personally responsible, for both the lives of the men who died as well as for the 1,200 men whom his government had helped send to their imprisonment (qtd. in 310). Kennedy viewed the failure as the ultimate  failure of his career (310), and from the defeat, his prestige suffered a severe blow (Dolan 96). About a year and a half later, however, he was to regain that lost prestige (96), in his impressive handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Works Consulted Cuba Exhibit History. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. 2001 . Dolan, Edward E., and Margaret M. Scariano. Cuba and the United States: Troubled Neighbors. New York: Franklin Watts, 1987. Franqui, Carlos. Family Portrait with Fidel. New York: Random House, 1984. Rivero, Nicholas. Castros Cuba: An American Dilemma. New York: Van Rees P, 1962. Sierra, J.A.. Timetable History of Cuba: After the Revolution. 27 Aug. 2001 Wyden, Peter. Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story. New York: Simon, 1979.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

IKEA: The Worlds Largest Furniture Retailer

IKEA: The Worlds Largest Furniture Retailer Introduction According to KeyNote, 2008, IKEA is the worlds largest furniture retailer. IKEA sells a lifestyle to its middle-class global consumers through cheap contemporary flat-packed designs. The Swedish based company has 237 stores around the world and it is the world leader in home furnishings (Mintel, 2006). IKEA is responsible for a global strategy that concentrates on cost management, efficiency and quality. However, there is much more to IKEA than just its cheap stylish furniture. As Eberhard-Harribey (2006) states, regardless of its openly aggressive focus on cutting costs, IKEA is a leading company when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) matters (see more on Appendix 1). IKEA has managed to combine a cost focus strategy with CSR issues as opposed to companies such as Starbucks and The Body Shop, which is considered to be high CSR-oriented but that charge a premium-price for its sustainable products. IKEA has respectable policies on child labour and has strong partnerships with UNICEF, and the WWF. Moreover, IKEA has a transnational strategy. The business maximise its global strategy of product standardisation whilst responding to, consumer local needs. Globalisation, factors like economic growth, deregulation, more disposable income and rising housing market have created many opportunities for growth in which IKEA have continuously taken advantage of in many countries. In spite of its global presence, it is worthy to point out two facts. First fact is that Europe accounts for 82% of IKEAs total revenues and North America accounts for 15% (Datamonitor, 2009). Second fact is that in both Europe and North America regions, as a result of the economic downturn the furniture retail industry is under a lot of competition. In order to reduce the political-economical and social-demographical risks inherent with such regions, IKEA needs to concentrate on diversifying its operations into other markets promptly and efficiently. Moreover, by expanding into other markets, IKEA can also take advantages of opportunities that these new markets offer that current markets no longer do. For example, in the past when China opened-up its policy to FDI, it eventually led to the Chinese economic improvement, the rise in the housing market and subsequently the demand for home furnishings in China. These events have unmistakable allowed IKEA to successfully enter this market. The current strategy mode that IKEA undertakes when entering a new market is International Franchising whereby products, limited rights, operating systems and the use of IKEAs brand name are sold to the foreign franchisee for a sum fee and share in the profits. It seems sensible therefore that IKEA continue on expanding into new markets. Nevertheless, before IKEA chooses another market to enter, IKEA needs to follow some steps: (1) Assess potential markets, (20 Evaluate the respective risks and benefits, (3) Choose the most appropriate market that not only match the Furniture Industry but ultimately complement IKEAs vision and Corporate Social Responsibility. In this work IKEAs plan will be to further its global expansion into the South American Market, having Brazil as a target. Brazil is the largest country in South America and according to Datamonitor (2009), it is characterises the most attractive country for the Furnishing Industry. The following analyses have as an aim to critically determine whether or not IKEA can successfully enter the Brazilian Market and how it should best endeavour such move Industry Overview: Global Home Furnishing Retail The home furnishings retail sector includes furniture, floor coverings and household textiles. Furniture sales dominate the global home furnishing retail sector, with 63.9% of the sectors value. IKEA has the largest share in the global home furnishing market. Its share accounts for 2.3% (MarketLine, 2009). Europe accounts for 43.1% of the retail sectors value and the compound annual growth rate of the sector in the period 2004-2008 was 2.6%. Moreover, according to Datamonitor, 2009, sectors value reached a value of $663.4 billion in 2008 and it is forecasted to grow by 24.9% in 2013 (MarketLine, 2009). Moreover, according to Mintel (2008) the UK is IKEAs most successful market. However is being held back by the difficulty of getting new stores, low consumer confidence due to the economic slowdown. The UK housing market has slowed dramatically and with house prices and the number of transactions forecast to fall this year, this must be bad news for furniture retailers. Already in 2008 there have been a number of casualties, including Sleep Depot and New Heights, and most recently Ilva and ScS. At the same time furniture retailers are facing unprecedented levels of competition from outside of the specialist market from the likes of Tesco, Asda, Woolworths, Argos, Homebase, BQ, and even Next and MS. Is it all doom and gloom for the furniture specialist? more  » The UK housing market has slowed dramatically and with house prices and the number of transactions forecast to fall, furniture retailers are facing exceptional amount of competition from outside of the specialist market from the likes of Asda, Argos, not to mention MS and Next. Five Forces Analysis Retailers of furniture, floor coverings and household textiles are the players of the home furnishing retail sector and the main buyers are taken as end-users, and manufacturers of furniture, floor coverings and household textiles as the key suppliers. (Table bellow adapted from Datamonitor, 2009) IKEA Swot Analysis IKEAs Corporate Social Responsibility According to Maon, Swaen and Lindgreen (2007) IKEA receives pressure from various external stakeholders. This pressure mainly exists because IKEAs business is modeled on cost leadership the majority of its raw materials are originated from developing countries. Since the end of the 1980s, IKEAs policies have been under constant scrutiny, particularly from NGOs. For example, IKEA was under the public eye over child labour in Asia, working conditions in Eastern Europe and Asia, and wood from questionable forests in Indonesia and Russia. Some critics argue that IKEAs sustainable practices took too long to be implemented and others question why the company do not place social and environmental labels on its products, even though the products meet criteria for products made of tropical wood materials. However, for IKEA, the brand itself should be a guarantee of environmental consideration and social responsibility Moreover, as a result of such pressures, the company is more actively involved in its CSR than ever. See next for examples of IKEAs current practices: (Source: IKEA Group,, UNICEF and, 2009). Identification of a New Market Whereas the North American furniture and floor coverings market is currently going through difficult times, South American has kept strong growth in value, a trend that according to Marketline, 2009 is meant to carry on rising. As for 2010 IKEA will enter the South American market. The first IKEA store will be allocated in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Reference?). However, as it is shown bellow there are other countries within South America in which IKEA could be successful. Furniture Floor Coverings in South America Industry Profile The South American furniture floor coverings market generated total revenues of $19,801.3 million in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (Datamonitor, 2009) of 7.5% for the period 2004-2008. Market Segmentation Living room furniture sales has proved the most lucrative for the South American furniture floor coverings market in 2008, generating total revenues of $7,420.1 million, equivalent to 37.5% of the markets overall value. Brazil (Marketline, 2009) however, Brazil leads the South American furniture and floor coverings market, accounting for 63.3% of the markets value. Factors Influencing the Likelihood of New Entrants and New Entrants in the Furniture Market in South America As shown above, there is a lack of brand strength in the Latin American furnishing market. This is turn shows that somewhat easy for new businesses to enter the market. Examples of such business however, are those well established diversified retailers, such as supermarkets and department stores entering the market. Advantages for retailers occur within the market on a small scale with either one or several outlets, for which fixed costs and entrance barriers are fairly low. However, the impact of the current global economic recession on the retail environment can discourage the entrance of new furniture businesses into the high-street in the medium term. There is however little government regulation which only concentrates on health and safety of the products. Overall, Datamonitor (2009) sees that the threat of new entrants to the furniture market in South America is considered to be strong. It is therefore important that establishes its presence in the region before other multinational companies decide to enter the South American. By being a entering such region, IKEA can be as successful as Telefonica has been since 1990 (Griffin and Pustay, 2009). It can generate more sources of revenue as well as establishing new customer base before competitors. There are a large number of different retailers of different sizes from small independent retailers to large chain-stores operating within the furniture and floor coverings retail market. Many players within the market are diversified retailers, such as department stores, supermarkets and DIY stores, which are not critically reliant upon furniture sales, which in turn ease rivalry. However, there are many small specialist stores, where the sale of furniture and floor coverings products is critical to success. These companies need to compete intensely with the supermarkets, which is becoming increasingly difficult in terms of price without compromising product quality; as the supermarkets can afford to make smaller margins over a wide range of products. The current economic downturn is adversely affecting retail sales, reducing growth potential and increasing exit barriers, which enhances rivalry. Overall, rivalry with respect to the furniture and floor coverings retail market is moderate. (Please refer to Appendix 2 for further analyses). Brazil The Brazilian economy was not affected by the global financial crisis as the countrys economy is tightly regulated with orthodox macroeconomic policies. The countrys growth rate increased in 2008 to reach 5.9%. Moreover, Brazil is the founder member of Mercosul regional integration which for instance, are responsible for 75% of South Americas GDP and it is the worlds fourth-biggest integrated market. The economic reforms, liberalized foreign investment to most sectors have been considered to be responsible for the current economic. The market of furniture in Brazil has three main segments: home (60%), office (25%) and institutional organisations (15%). Analyses show that (reference) this last segment is on the growth and imports should increase. This change in demand for foreign designs can certainly benefit IKEA in Brazil. The market is also restrained by high interest rates (18.3% per year in 2001) which prevent people from demanding bank loans, and thus maintain their purchasing power at lower levels than if they could borrow money easier. It then has a bad impact on house purchasing and in series, lowers the buying of house furnishings too. However, despite its high profile, Brazil still suffers from corruption. According to Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index for 2008, Brazil is ranked in the 80th place out of 179 countries. Because corruption is perceived to be very strong in Brazil, the majority of businesses are expected to encounter corruption when proposing contracts to governments. Moreover, deforestation caused by multi-nationals is making serious harms to the Brazilian rainforests. As the demand for environmentally friendly companies in Brazil and around the world continues to rise, companies such as IKEA can certainly expect to have its CSR scrutinised before receiving any license for operation. PESTLE Analysis of IKEA in Brazil Brazil has come out to be of the best market to invest (Griffin and Pustay, 2009) the economic reforms implemented after 2003 led to increases in real per capita income, and an improved income distribution. Real per capita income increased 14% from 2004 to 2007 and the inequality in the distribution of income, measured by the Gini coefficient (which ranges from 0, which reflects equality, to 1, which indicates inequality), diminished from 0.6 in 2000 to 0.5 in 2007. Although the political stability in Brazil does not have the same standard of security as other OECDs, the political stability in Brazil is improving steadily. Brazils president is considered to be more sensible than other South American leftist leaders. And Although Lula obviously seeks to protect national companies, He is also aware that many Brazilian businesses are not very efficient. After being re-elected, Lula has welcomed FDI in Brazil with open arms (Reference) Additionally, as the poverty situation in Brazil is still high, the Brazilian government and its population are in turn very active when it comes to social programs. There are major government programs that aim to tackle the problems of income inequality and access to credit. Programmes such as Zero Hunger (Projeto Fome Zero) provides low-income families conditional cash transfer bases reach nearly one quarter of Brazils population (MDS). Such programs can be seen as an opportunity for IKEA. Since IKEA has such renounced CSR programs in place, it can certainly work with partnership with the Brazilian government. Also, as more people are acquiring houses, the demand for furniture will eventually increase. With emerging markets capturing investors attention, many are turning their focus towards South American markets. Strong exports, high commodity prices and increased investments have been contributing factors to growth within many of the Latin American markets (Fleming, 2007). Amongst its neighbours, Brazil is the country that provides its population the highest average purchasing power (IMF, 2006) Thus, Brazil seem a very attractive market for IKEA, especially since the its furniture imports have experienced a growth of 16.27% during the third quarter of 2006. The imports of furniture in Brazil are controlled by the United States with 39% of the share, followed by Germany with 36% and Italy with 10% (ABIMOVEL, 2008). Because Brazils income gap between the rich people and the poor people is very high, The 10% richest people earn 50% of the totally income and the 10% poorest people only get less than 1% (source?) social status are very meaningful, especial for the middle-classes. As IKEA has been very proficient in selling lifestyles to its customers (KeyNote, 2008) the status importance amongst Brazilians could turn out to be advantageous for IKEA. Nevertheless, credit option is extremely limited among most consumers who are expected to pay for their goods in instalments. Very ofte, consumers opt for a certain product not because if its quality, but because of the payment facilities. Consumers can pay for a TV of the equivalent of  £300 in 10 instalments and without any added interest. IKEA should certainly be aware of consumers buying behaviour in order of to have problems with its liquidity ratios. As the telecommunication penetration rate in Brazil remains low, IKEA would not be able to rely in online sales in Brazil in the middle future and its online advertising should be very efficient . Laws requiring pre-sale disclosure by a franchisor are in place in Brazil Brazil shelters dense forests in northern regions including Amazon Basin that can be use for wooden furniture: half of the country is covered by forests. However, over the past couple of years, the government has been very cautious about global warming caused by MNCs deforestation. So IKEA would need to ensure the Brazilian government that its practices are very sustainable to be able to use Brazils endowments. IKEA in Brazil From the analysed above, it can be deducted that there are several attractive aspects for IKEA to invest in the area of furniture industry in the Brazilian market. First of all, the furniture market in Brazil is attractive due to a big value of imported furniture. Additionally, the labour cost is cheaper compared to Europe and America. Mode of Entry All IKEAs stores in foreign countries are managed under international franchising (IKEA, 2009). Franchising is a special form of licensing where the licensor authorises the licensee to utilize its operating systems, logos, brand names and trademarks in return for a loyalty payment (Griffin and Pustay, 2009). The franchisee needs also to supply capital, personnel, personal involvement and local market knowledge (Jeannet Hennessy, 2004, pp.296). As IKEA has so much experience in setting up franchise contracts, it seems sensible to apply the same when coming to Brazil for the following reasons: However, International Franchising has its drawbacks as well: Although the drawbacks of setting up Franchising in Brazil are not too high and IKEA could still be very successful in such a market. Based on the information gathered in this work, a relatively more complex but even more successful mode of entry can be recommended. Due to Brazils endowment factors and government economic stimulus package to attract new investments, IKEA can greater benefit from entering the market through Foreign Direct Investment via than from International Franchising. Moreover, by using FDI as a Strategy, IKEA can acquire national resources and access other South American markets. According to Dunnings Ecletic Theory (Griffin and Pustay, 2009), FDI will occur when three conditions Ownership, Location and Internalisation are satisfied. By matching IKEAs Swot analysis and all the other information gathered in this work, it is possible to observe that IKEA enjoys all three advantages in competing in Brazil against local firms. 1. Ownership: Whereas most of Brazilian furniture retails hold low brand image and average technology systems, IKEA has unique competitive advantages such as strong brand name globally, advanced technology and the benefits of economies of scale in other markets. 2. Location Advantage: IKEA can enjoy lower labour costs, avoid tariff walls on goods exported from Brazil to other South American countries and save money on product transportation instead of importing products from China, Russia and India, the majority of products can be manufactured in Brazil due to its vast resource endowments. 3. Internalisation Advantage: Because of growing concerns related to management of intellectual property rights, deforestation and corruption in Brazil, IKEA will benefit more from controlling its operations in Brazil than from hiring independent local companies to provide such services. FDI via Greenfield Strategy and Strategic Alliance As Brazilian Furniture Retailers are relatively small, the possibility to acquire an existing company with the intention of obtaining control over employees, technology and stores is very low. Therefore, IKEA would have to start its operations from scratch. According to Griffin and Pustay, 2010, when companies buy or build new facilities, hires in managers and employees to launch its brand new operations, they do so through Greenfield Strategy. Given all the facts that influence FDI in Brazil, the Greenfield Strategy can certainly benefit IKEAs entry to the Brazilian Market for the following reasons: IKEA can the location that best meets its needs It can build up-to-date facilities Brazils local and national government gives economic development incentives to attract companies facilities IKEA would not have to adapt its production systems to any Joint-ventures IKEA would not have to deal with problems associates with Property Rights that could arise from potential Franchisees/Licensees/ or Joint Venture partners. However, the Greenfield Strategy also has its disadvantages: The process of building a new site, hiring new staff and negotiating with government is relatively long and expensive In order to promote certain regions development, Brazilian government might require IKEA to build its site in a determined place that is not IKEAs desired location. Grant to use natural resources might be given under very restrict regulations due to global and national demand for sustainable products Furthermore, by using Brazils endowment resources, particularly in the Forestry sector, IKEAs CSR would be put under further scrutiny. However, as IKEA has so many projects that have been benefiting the forestry and the cotton sector (refer to IKEAs CSR) in so many countries IKEA can combine its current CSR practice and form a strategic alliance with the Brazilian government involving the production aspect of the business. According to Griffin and Pustay 2010, a strategic alliance involving public and private partners can benefit a company if negotiation is handled properly and if the government is relatively stable, by easing market entry, reducing risks, enhancing knowledge and expertise and giving competitive advantage. Appendix 1 Detailed Five Forces Analysis for the Global Retail Furniture Market (Adapted from Datamonitor, 2009). Appendix 2 Continuation of Five Forces Analysis on the South American Retail Furniture (Source: Datamonitor, 2009) Appendix 3

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparing the Powerful Women in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House and Susan

Comparing the Powerful Women in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Susan Glaspell's Trifles      Ã‚   Throughout history, a woman's role is to be an obedient and respectful wife. Her main obligation is to support, serve, and live for her husband and children. In Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Susan Glaspell's Trifles, two different women make a decision to take matters into their own hands by doing what they want to do, no matter what the outcome may be and in spite of what society thinks. These two women come from different homes and lead very different lives yet, these two women share similar situations--both are victims, both are seeking individuality, and initially, both women end up alone. There are many ways that Nora and Mrs. Wright differ. First of all, both come from completely different households. Nora's home is "tastefully [. . .] furnished" and always "pleasant"(917). She lives in a lavish home eating macaroons, drinking champagne, and hosting banquets. Nora often has guests at the house and there are even maids to watch her children. Her husband , Torvald, is often home and has guests over. On the other hand, Mrs. Wright's home is unpleasant, in an "abandoned farmhouse"(977) in a secluded area. Mrs. Wright seldom has company, nor does she have any children. She does not leave the house very often and her husband, Mr. Wright, wants no outside interference. Mr. Wright refuses to get a "party telephone"(978) because he enjoys his "peace and quiet"(978). It is obvious that these two women lead different lives with different types of people, yet they share similar situations that are not so obvious. First of all, both women are "victims" of their controlling husbands. Nora and Mrs. Wright are al... ...ome from different worlds, yet they still share the same type of sadness and pain in their everyday lives. What Nora does is considered courageous in that time in history, where women were not treated as equals and were always looked down on and ignored. Women speaking out and taking matters into their own hands was unheard of and often risky. They want to be independent so they do what they believe is necessary to accomplish and reach their goals, so that they can once again be happy for eternity. Works Cited Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. Literature and the Writing Process. Elizabeth Mahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 2002. 977-986 Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House. Literature and the Writing Process. Elizabeth Mahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 2002. 916-966.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Good Corn is a complexly written short story, although it only :: English Literature

The Good Corn The Good Corn is a complexly written short story, although it only involves three prominent characters. Elsie, who is one of the least prominent characters in text is referenced in the story throughout, as the girl or only Elsie. I have chosen Elsie as a character to contrast my views about because the text encourages the readers to have a less sympathetic response and approach to her but I seemed to have had a very compassionate and sensitive approach to Elsie and think that because the author hasn’t gone much into detail, in the narration, about her feelings, we are shrouded and made to loathe her character given the third person omniscient point of view. In the author’s context, the book was written in the 1950’s and is so forth, an outcome of white, male middle-class ideas about masculinity and femininity where males were the dominant species and the females were always referred to as the inferior race in general. Also ethnicity and culture played a great part in those times because most non – white people were considered to be greatly inferior and made to do degrading jobs like maids or servants. This is the context in which we are made to view Elsie. She is portrayed as an uneducated and is described as being short and dark, with a thick bright complexion. In the reader’s context being short or dark doesn’t mean much to us because, in this 21st century, multiculturalism is a big factor and even white people could look noticeably dark maybe because of a tan. Also having a servant or helper is now, not considered as much of a degrading job as before since and extensively large amount of servants lead equally sufficient and satisfied lives as any normal middle-class working person. Also, a significantly large amount of these servants are actually of the white population. Also, Elsie is represented as an uncaring, emotionless, un-maternal, morally irresponsible and a calculative and selfish person. The refusal of access into her thoughts and feelings coax the reader to see her as a just a body who is only alive for bodily pleasures rather than being an individual human being with personal suffering, guilt or self-conscience. This has once again occurred because of superiority issues where the narrator has chosen to be omniscient and has rejected Elsie’s thoughts and feelings. In the reader’s context, Elsie would be seen as a sexually promiscuous person as the text wants us to see her but we would also have questioned the reasons behind her being eighteen and so free with her body that she could bear two children in

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lincoln Could He Have Preserve :: essays research papers

From the time the South demanded the return of Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens, tension had been building in expectation of Lincoln’s reply. The options available to Lincoln were limited, and those that were available were further limited by constraints of time and man-power. Lincoln’s options were also limited by his goals. Lincoln had a set agenda, with preserving the Union at the head of the list. Lincoln also aimed to preserve Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens. Lincoln’s most pressing goal was to instigate the war without seeming to be the aggressor. This proved to be the most difficult goal, because to achieve this, he had to know how far to push without seeming to push at all. An additional goal was to perhaps lure the border states onto the northern side. This was an important goal because it fell in line with Lincoln’s un-hostile attitude. By being attacked first, he could say he was responding to an act of war on the United States. One of Lincoln’s options was to sit by and do nothing. This was not really an option, however, because abandoning his soldiers at this fort would not only lower the morale of his entire army, but could also turn many of his supporters against him. So, needless to say, Lincoln could not really consider this as an option. Lincoln, for a time, also entertained the idea of compromise. The southern resolve was so concrete that this idea was abandoned rather quickly. Another idea, proposed by Secretary of State Seward, was to abandon Fort Sumter and concentrate on Fort Pickens. Lincoln did not accept this idea either, mainly because abandoning a fort anywhere in the South would recognize the South as an independent nation. Even so, Seward managed to get a force together, and taking one of the strongest ships in the United States Navy, went to Pickens anyway. One idea with similar traits was the idea to abandon both forts, leaving the South. Though open to consideration, this was not at all in line with Lincoln’s thinking. Again this would recognize the South as an independent nation, which would finalize the secession. For lack of a better idea, some suggested the reinforcing of the forts, to protect them from bombardment. This idea was cast aside also, because, first of all, Fort Sumter lies in between two points of land, both protected by forts. To make this idea work, those forts would have to be taken, too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Legend of Korra Analytical Paper

The Legend of Korra: Stereotypes Stereotypes are very common in the current state of the world. In The Legend of Korra, which is the animated sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, the protagonist is a 17-year-old teenager named Korra. She is the next avatar (The avatar is someone who can control all the elements and is supposed to restore order to the world). During the first season of Legend of Korra many antagonists try to oppose Korra because of the stereotypes made about her. Korra also stereotypes about others as well which causes her failures.The Legend of Korra is a window of our culture about Stereotypes. Many people stereotype Korra wrongly (Ulaby n. pag. ). She is much like Katniss and Kim Impossible (Boucher n. pag. ). She has a very defined set of morals such as honesty, friendship, and fun. Korra breaks almost all the stereotypes that are made about her. The people of Republic City assume that Korra is a serious, semi- powerful, and all knowing, but in reality she really is not. Although Korra has an enormous responsibility she is a carefree teen. She is reckless and curious.In The Legend of Korra there is a rebel organization called â€Å"The Equalists†, their leader is a man called Amon (Legend n. pag. ). The Equalists assume at first that Korra is an incompetent avatar and then her element bending skills are amateur. They stereotyped wrong; just because she was a woman and was young did not mean that she was not powerful. In that episode she defeated them easily. This situation happens daily on earth. People often overestimate their power and underestimate their enemies. Korra also overestimates her abilities and powers.She has a very high ego and is rash. Korra often digs a hole for herself that she cannot get out of. In many episodes Korra will just jump right into the action and will receive bad consequences. After Korra defeated â€Å"The Equalists† once she realized the power she had and started to abuse her powers. Also after getting defeated â€Å"The Equalists† realized how powerful she was and adjusted to her personality. In one instance, Korra walks right into a trap because of her impulses and instinct. â€Å"The Equalists† then captured her as well as her friends (Legend n. ag. ). Many individuals underestimate the opposing people. In sports a good team may be facing a horrible team. The good team might think that they do not need to practice because they are facing a bad team. This underestimating often causes the downfall of many teams and people. The Stereotypes are everywhere in The Legend of Korra. Many people in LoK that Korra is weak and amateur; which Korra is not. Not only do people stereotype Korra, but Korra also does a fair amount of stereotyping. The Legend of Korra reflects many stereotypes of this world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

English-language films Essay

?I saw this quote in Mr. Laxman Gnawali’s laptop and I copied it right away, I don’t know but I liked that line very much. The quote was written on the wall of some park the place was really clean and that picture showed that it was really nice clean with lots of trees. After searching it in the internet I found it that it was the attribute to those who lost their lives in the war. We were talking about the teaching training session. We were told that we can achieve the next level in our career but we need to concentrate and do the session delivery seriously. There the quote was quite related because we had the freedom to be a teacher trainer but we have to be more responsible and develop certain habit, there with the freedom comes the responsibility. Looking at the history of freedom one can always see war as the synonyma for the freedom. The first thing that comes in our mind when we talk about freedom is war and quarrels. This phrase is mostly used by the people to show gratitude towards those who have lost their life in wars. There are so many articles and books written on them or about them. Shiv Khera have written a book â€Å"freedom is not Free† and there are mny other people who have talked about it and this is the phrase I think will be talked in coming future or as long as the existence of the human beings. Freedoms are rights of individuals, according to Webster it’s a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any, or to any undue, restraints and restrictions. As our country is democratic country and we proudly say that we are free, we have every freedom to do whatever we like to but in the beginning we fought for our freedom, can we still be fighting. In the beginning we fought for our freedom, with the birtishers, we fought with them not for the freedom but to keep our country free. We fought for the democracy from the Rana rulers and then we fought for the cruel royal rule and we achieve the freedom but the question remains that we have been fighting within ourselves. Now we have the ability to exercise free will and make choices independently of any external determining force, but are we truly free. I think we are still fighting within ourselves for the freedom we dream of. History has been our eyewitness that whenever we fought we fought to rule and not for the development or growth and we are still doing that. First we had MAHISHPAL than came GOPALA DYNESTYR and KIRAT after that many other than the most influential SHAH now we have politicians ruling still to rule not to develop. If I talk about the freedom realting with our history than it will never finish. Historians believe we’re not free, but on the other hand I just say we have our rights and restrains. Because completely unrestricted freedom of action would make peaceful human existence impossible, some restraints on freedom of action are necessary and inevitable. But, we do have to recognize that basic limitation, to make our life safe. We the people have to turn over some of our rights so that our country performs right and many say that the government is in our business but if they weren’t all chaos would occur. But, Freedom becomes a cost, a cost of just giving up some rights in return to be a great nation. But, some cost could become a concern. In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson have clearly stated the difficulties and problems that America has to face on the process. The very recent and clear example abo;ut freedom is not free is our own country’s fight against the maost. We faced difficulties than one can imagine but ultimately we overcame with all the difficulties we faced. In the process of freedom government has to include all the armies of moist as well. There comes the pay for freedom. We had to go through traumas which many of the nation have been through but that trauma was from our own people to their own family. India, the biggest country with large population, which is emerging ijn every field in this modern time, have faced problems. They were colonized by British people and treated in the most cruel behave that one could ever treat to another human being in their own country but they fought for their freedom and have lost so many lives but at last they are free. The payment that they paid for the freedom are the lives, the great politicians and enthusiastic youths, there county were divided into parts and there is still fight among those country. Though they got the freedom they are still paying for it, that is why freedom is not free. America the land of opportunity, was not free and with the help of many freedom fighters they declare the independence. Instead of freedom they call it independent, as everyone knows in America most of the people are from different countries, the native people, the red Indians have actually lost their identity in order to be independent or free. the country have faced so many difficulties and still facing but it is the free country everyone says and believed that but they have the most criminal records and most frustration within their country. The fragmented society, self-centered individual, loss of culture and focus point of terrorism are the payment USA is paying with. Every country have their own struggle and history of freedom and the kinds pf payment they are paying as the freedom is not free. All the great people in this world has paid one or the other way for the freedom they fought for. Countries have faced the war and loss of the youngsters but the individual who are the great influential for that event lost their family ,loved once, and their own life as well. Hitler’s life story also suggest that freedom is not free. he hated zuse and to free himself from them he committed the crime which no human can forget and he is the most cruel person in this world. He could not face the failure and to make himself free from the thought of failure he continued doing the things which kept him free from that thought and the payment for the freedom of his thought is being cruel and called murderer and be alone in all his life. However his murder is still have no actual evidence but he was killed because he was becoming cruel and threat for many people so in the quest of freedom to free the abuse and feeling of failure he paid it with his life. Mahatma Gandhi, India call him their BAPU, was hated by his son because he had no time to spend with the family as he was in great mission to free his country from the Birtish. He freed his fellow country but the payment was his own children, he was killed by the very young person as people saw that his generosity is causing the country into many countries. He was free from all the material things and loved by all the people but to gain this freedom to loved by everyone with his life. The four martyrs, who was killed by rana rulers for their freedom speech also shows that whatever our country have got is not free. in whatever way we are enjoying or complaining about is actually the payment that those martyrs paid. They were from well known and educated family but in the quest to free the country from the ranas they paid their life and we got freedom. Being anyone as human is not free from all the responsibilities and rules that we need to follow. As a baby you are free to cry over anything but the payment is most of the time people don’t understand what your problem is. As a student you are allowed to make noise or make wrong choice but the payment is later on you have to fail in your exam and in your life. As a social worker you have the freedom to help others and take their pain as your own and the payment you have to pay is your time, for you and for your family, as an engineer, your freedom is to use any model but the payment is you have to be responsible for the lives of the people who will stay there, as writer you are free to write anything but the payment is no one will write about you, as the teacher you have the freedom to conduct your classroom as you wanted but the payment is you have to be the model all the time, you cannot make any mistake if you do you have to deal with all the consequences that might occur or the payment is your time and effort. When you see some advertisement on television about the free scheme, we always need to buy something with it because nothing is free, not even the water, the air. Freedom is actually the metaphor for all the responsibilities that comes with freedom. When one becomes the minister or join the politics, like in our country everyone blames them to be the negative one, you are free to be the politician but the payment is you won’t be trusted. When I first started to teach I don’t have any freedom to chose what I do in the classroom, so I was just following whatever the teacher told me to do and there no one expected anything from me so I was free from the responsibility and the payment I was paying is getting the low pay. As I developed the teaching learning skill and given the full responsibility of the class, I had the freedom to do any kind of things in the classroom and make it my own and include everything I have learnt but the payment is time and the continuous work load and no self time. Likewise with the PGDE course we had the freedom to garnish ourselves and the payment is all the criteria that was set for us to be what we were trained to be. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, even the quote is controversial because when freedom is not free than why would one use these words and if it is used why it is mostly related with the people who have done so much for the betterment of the human being?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunflower Incorporated

Sunflower Incorporated is a large distribution company with over 5,000 employees and gross sales over $700 million in 1991. The company purchases and distributes salty snack foods and liquor to independent retail stores throughout the United States and Canada. Salty snack foods include corn chips, potato chips, cheese curls, tortilla chips, and peanuts. The United States and Canada are divided into 22 regions, each with its own central warehouse, salespeople, finance department, and purchasing department. The organization distributes national as well as local brands and packages some items under private labels. The head office encourages each regions to be autonomous because of local tastes and practices. The northeast United States, for example, consumes a greater percentage of Canadian whisky and American bourbon, while the West consumes more light liquors, such as vodka, gin, and rum. Snack foods in the Southwest are often seasoned to reflect Mexican tastes. Early in 1989, Sunflower began using a financial reporting system that compared sales, costs, and profits across regions. Management was surprised to learn that profits varied widely. By 1990, the differences was so great that management decided some standardization was necessary. They believed that highly profitable regions were sometimes using lower-quality items, even seconds, to boost profit margins. The practice could hurt Sunflower’s image. Other regions were facing intense price competition in order to hold market share. National distributors were pushing hard to increase their market share. Frito-Lay, Bordens, Nabisco, Procter & Gamble (Pringles), and Standard Brands (Planter’s peanuts) were pushing hard to increase market share by cutting prices and launching new products. As these problems accumulated, Mr. Steelman, president of Sunflower, decided to create a new position to monitor pricing and purchasing practices. Agnes Albanese was hired from the finance department of a competing organization. Her new title was director of pricing and purchasing, and she reported to the vice president of finance, Mr. Mobley. Steelman and Mobley gave Albanese great freedom in organizing her job and encouraged her to establish whatever rules and procedures were necessary. She was also encouraged to gather information from each region. Each region was notified of her appoinment by an official memo sent to the regional managers. A copy of the memo was posted on each warehouse bulletin board. The announcement was also made in the company newspaper. After 3 weeks on the job, Albanese decided that pricing and purchasing decisions should be standardized across regions. As a first step, she wanted the financial executive in each regions to notify her of any change in local prices of more than 3%. She also decided that all new contracts for local purchases of more than $5,000 should be cleared through her office. Albanese believed that the only way to standardize operations was for each region to notify the home office in advance of any change in prices or purchases. Albanese discussed the proposed policy with Mobley. He agreed, so they submitted a formal proposal to the president and board of directors, who approved the plan. Sunflower was moving into the peak holiday season, so Albanese wanted to implement the new procedures right away. She decided to send an email to the financial and purchasing executives in each region notifying them of the new procedures. The change would be inserted in all policy and procedure manuals thorughout Sunflower within 4 months. Albanese showed a draft of the email to Mobley and invited his comments. Mobley said the Internet was an excellent idea but it was not sufficient. The regions handle hundreds of items and were used to decentralized decision making. Mobley suggested that Albanese ought to visit the regions and discuss purchasing and pricing policies with the executives. Albanese refused, saying that the trips would be expensive and time-consuming. She had so many things to do at headquarters that a trip was impossible. Mobley also suggested waiting to implement the procedures until after the annual company meeting 3 months. Albanese said this would take too long because the procedures would not take effect until after the peak sales season. She believed the procedures were needed now. The email went out the next day. During the next few days, replies came in from most of the regions. The executives were in agreement with the email and said they would be happy to cooperate. Eight weeks later, Albanese had not received notices from any regions about local price or purchase change. Other executives who had visited regional warehouses indicated to her that the regions were busy as usual. Regional executives seemed to be following usual procedures for that time of year. Albanese might analyze what the cause of the ineffective organizationl changes, and she might done differently. Albanese should do something now. From the case above, we now that the cause of the ineffective organization changes are: first, response to changes programs were less enthusiastic. The regional executives was not give their opinions, critics, and participation in developing the programs. Their enthusiastic have showed just in the next few days from the email about the announcement the changes programs was sent. But, there was no enthusiastic in 2 months later. Seconds, the changes program may be agreed by regional executives but were perceived as not in top priority. The regional offices might face the different various problems because of local market characteristics and practices, and they made the priority rank of the problems and other implementations differently. Third, the changes programs seemed to be not well planned. Because the programs built on the Albanese perceptions of the expensiveness and time-consume. Fourth, data gathering was not conducted properly. So, Albanese was not capture the â€Å"real problems† and how to solve it efficiently and instituzionalizing the interventions. Fifth, data analysis was done inappropriately, no follow-up actions were taken to confirm the real problems. The actions wasn’t conducted by accurate data analysis. Sixth, no opportunity was given to regional executives to participate in the change programs. The email procedure was not give the regional executives to build a feedback, and report the implementation problems they faced. Seventh, limited time was avaible to implement the change. Eighth, socialization was done via email only indicated that dominance strategy was implemented, feeding back process was less effective. So, the organization should take change actions building on the cause of the ineffective organizational changes. The Sunflower could be done : 1. Improving the planning process. Sunflower can use the general model of planned change for the Organizational Change and Develoment theory. The four activites in the planning process (entering and contracting, diagnosing, planning and implementing, and evaluating and institutionalizing) can be used to describe how to take changes in Sunflower. 2. Visiting regions to gather (and confirm) the data, offer the changes program, encourage participation, and build commitment. The head office and regional office can discuss together how to plan the changes programs and how well implement it. The commitment for to implement the change continually should be increased. 3. Allocate reasonable time frame for socialization, transition process (process in the organizational change and development when the performance decrease because of the implementation of the changes programs before it result the more effective and increase in the performance), feeding back to improve the changes programs, and provide opportunities to regions executives to speak up, 4. Implement the changes at the (more) appropriate time (not it busy season). It is important to diagnose the best moment for implementation of the changes programs. 5. Actively monitor the implementation and evaluate periodically and accurately. Feedback about intervention’s results provides information about whether the change should be continued, modified, or suspended.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Kinds of Musical Instruments Essay

Trumpet A soprano brass wind instrument consisting of a long metal tube looped once and ending in a flared bell, the modern type being equipped with three valves for producing variations in pitch. Trombone A brass instrument consisting of a long cylindrical tube bent upon itself twice, ending in a bell-shaped mouth, and having a movable U-shaped slide for producing different pitches. French Horn A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell. Tuba A large, valved, brass wind instrument with a bass pitch. A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch. Euphonium A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound. Flugelhorn The could produce only the natural harmonics flugelhorn is a valved bugle developed in Germany. It has a conical bore. The bugle had no valves and therefore of the tube. Percussion instruments DRUM SET The first drum sets were put together in the late 1800s sometime after the invention of the bass drum pedal. This invention made it possible for one person to play several percussion instruments (snare drum, bass drum, and cymbals) at one time Bass Drum This drum is the largest member of the set and is played by using a foot pedal attached to a beater which then strikes the drum head. This drum produces a low deep sound. Snare Drum This shallow, cylindrical drum produces a sound that is very distinctive to the drum (higher in pitch than the bass drum). The snares,  which are bands of metal wires, are pulled across the bottom head of the drum. This produces a buzzing or snapping sound when the drum is struck using a variety of techniques. Bell Bells can be made from various materials including clay, glass or metal. It also ranges in shape and size. It may be played by lightly shaking it as in hand bells or by striking it using a metal or wooden striker or mallet. Bongo Drum Another type of drum that is mostly used in world music is the bongo drum. Bongos are played by striking the fingertips and/or the heel of the hand on the drumhead. Castanet For some reason I think of chestnuts when I hear the word castanets. True enough the word castanet was derived from the Spanish word castana meaning chestnuts. Castanets belong to the clapper family of percussion instruments. Conga Drum A conga drum is another type of percussion instrument belonging to the drum family. It is shaped somewhat like a barrel and is played the same way as the bongo drum. Conga also refers to a form of dance of Afro-Cuban origin. A perfect example is the song â€Å"Conga† by Gloria Estefan. Cymbal The player holds the strap attached to each cymbal and brushes it against each other or clash it together. It can either be held horizontally or vertically and played either loudly or softly depending on the music. Glockenspiel Glockenspiels have tuned steel bars or tubes which are struck by the musician using two beaters. The beaters may be made from metal, wood or rubber. Gong Remember that show on NBC during the 70’s hosted by Chuck Barris? It was called â€Å"The Gong Show† and it’s an amateur talent show where the gong was sounded to signal that a contestant was eliminated. Read more about the gong. Maracas The maracas is one of the easiest musical instruments to play; you just need to have a sense of rhythm, timing and a flair for shaking. Maracas are made in various materials including plastic and wood and it ranges from the very simple to the most intricate designs. Metallophone Generally, metallophones differ from xylophones because the tuned bars which are struck with a mallet are made of metal, hence the name metallophones. There are many different kinds of metallophones; here we will focus on those which are used by Indonesian gamelan orchestras. TRIANGLE The triangle is another commonly used percussion instrument. The instrument is made by bending a steel rod into a triangle shape with an opening at one corner. It is suspended by a string and struck with a steel beater to produce a tone. The instrument has been used in Europe since the 14th century. XYLOPHONE The xylophone is a mallet percussion instrument. It consists of a set of graduated wooden bars which are hit with mallets to produce a tone. Xylophones were used in Southeast Asia during the 1300s and spread to Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Woodwind Instruments Saxophone The saxophone is a member of the reed -sounded wind instruments. In its construction, it combines the single reed and mouthpiece of the clarinet, a metal body, and a widened version of the conical bore of the oboe. Bassoon The bassoon is a double reed instrument. It is made up of about eight feet of cylidrical wood tubing. There are four joints in the bassoon: the bass joint, the tenor join, the double joint, and the bell joint. Clarinet The clarinet, a member of the woodwind family, usually consists of a long tube with a mouthpiece at one end and a bell-shaped opening at the other end. Usually made of wood, the clarinet has tone holes that are covered by small metal levers Oboe The oboe is the smallest and highest pitched double reed instrument. It has a cylindrical wooden body with keys along the length of its body. English Horn The English Horn is part of the oboe family. It is also called an alto oboe because it is tuned one-fifth lower in pitch than an oboe. Its shape is similar to that of an oboe and is often played by the third oboe player in an orchestra. Flute The flute is the instrument that serves as the soprano voice in most bands, orchestras, and woodwind groups. Most flutes are made of metal and consist chiefly of a tube with a mouthpiece near one end. Piccolo The piccolo is a type of transverse flute that is pitched an octave above the concert (or standard) flute. It has a range of nearly three octaves and reaches the highest pitches of a modern orchestra. It is usually used for special effects in orchestras but is more widely used in concert and marching bands String Instruments Violin The violin, which is probably the best known orchestral instrument, is a stringed instrument that is played with a bow. The violin is the highest pitched member of the violin family, which also includes the viola, the cello, and the double bass. Viola The viola is the second highest pitched member of the violin family. It  has four strings tuned to the notes c, g, d, and a. Music for the viola is written in the alto clef. Violas vary in size, although they are always larger and tuned lower than violins. Cello The cello, also known as violoncello, is a stringed instrument which is part of the violin family. It is played with a bow much like the violin. It is also shaped liked a violin but is much larger. The cello is about four feet long and one and a half feet across at its widest part and, therefore, this member of the violin family is played sitting down String Bass The double bass (also known as the string bass, bass viol, or contrabass) is the largest and lowest pitched string instrument of the violin family. It is usually six feet high and has four strings.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Industrial Revolution as a Trigger of Great Britain's Growth Research Paper

Industrial Revolution as a Trigger of Great Britain's Growth - Research Paper Example The improved military capability of Britain resulted in dispersed troops searching for cover. This scattering and its impact on command power were counteracted by the invention of the telegraph. With this improvement in British armed forces came an increase in the claim for order. Hence, the transformation in the industrial power of Britain influenced their military skills. Strategies and shrewdness became less significant than productivity and supply capacity. This also relates to the available combatant population as, increasingly, recruits came to be viewed as quantities much like ammunition replacement and bullet consumption. The bigger the military force, normally coming from a bigger population base, the higher the number of fatalities it would be capable of maintaining, enlarging the odds of victory. Â   Military production was an industry that rewarded innovation. In other major industries, traditional entrepreneurs were hesitant to invest in novel process technology. The government invested in the military industry and was indifferent with the production technology provided that the goods were finished and delivered on time. Numerous technological improvements, such as iron production, the use of machine implements, and conveyer belts, were initiated through military manufacturing. The technology built for the military industry then spread out into the civilian economic sector. And since it was at the time a verified technology patron who was usually vigilant were eager to invest into these enterprises which rather than dispensing iron to produce guns now transformed iron ore into pots and stoves.Iron manufacturing received special treatment from the military industry; appropriate coverage necessitates that one monitors the military uses to which iron was placed. This is particula rly significant since the yield of the iron industry in the eighteenth century went for fairly diverse uses than those related to the modern military industry.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Journal 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Journal 2 - Essay Example Barfing is something that is universal and yet so private, which makes it a perfect symbol of identity. Myles is telling a story about her political sestina, and then she narrates a story concerning a boat of barfers. She wants to puke herself because of her poem and her own feelings for it. She wants to express her sincere emotions, like a barf would have. In real life, however, it is hard to be â€Å"real† without being judged as fake. I believe she wants to say that to puke is â€Å"to be,† in the terms of â€Å"identity.† To puke is utterly natural in a most disgusting way. Who said it is disgusting anyway? Why cannot people freely barf without being judged? In other words, why cannot people be who they are and who they want to be with without feeling the disgusted eyes of the people around them? Myles is showing the way to knowing thyself through the art of barfing the inner contents of oneself. Myles’ relationship with her mother is troubled and the center of her barfing because as her mother, she is her foundation as a person. Myles, nevertheless, admits her complex relationship with the woman who gave birth to her. On the one hand, she wants to be near her again. I want to confirm with Myles if it is for companionship. Does she want to be with her mother because of her failed relationships with other women? She might be craving for comfort from the original woman of her life. Or, Myles might be blaming her mother for controlling her life, so she might as well suffer with her. Despite the restless emotions, Myles understands that her mother has not completely destroyed her. Living with her mother has turned her into a puke hater. She must have wanted to puke because she has a hard time being who she is with her mother. Myles cannot directly express her identity to her mother. Puking is her release. It is her way of â€Å"being† without being so blatant about it. Forming and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Development of Prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Development of Prisons - Research Paper Example Jails & houses of rectifications were created in the American colonies soon after the revolution. The jail was designed originally for the detention of persons awaiting their trial. It soon came to be utilized as a venue for punishment after conviction. As in Great Britain, this alteration brought in increasing opposition to the use of corporal & capital punishments, & hence it was a modification of the existing system for implementing the corrective reaction to law breaking. Convicted drunkards & vagrants, particularly, were barred behind these institutions. The house of correction began as an institution for vagrants, but was not differentiable in its basic approach from the medieval jails & confinements. Oppression, vulgarity, & anarchy constituted the basic plenary of the European & American jail infrastructure. The amendment of the disciplinary reaction in the jails came at a very slow pace. As a first hand example, the number of persons confined in prisons or correctional homes after a conviction was relatively less throughout the domain of the 18th century, & in the city of New York it was not until 1788, that a wholesome law was ratified for the use of prisons & workhouses as venues of reprimand. Thus the situation & the discipline of prisons had originated from a pretty precarious position (Sutherland, Cressey, Duckenbill, 1992, p464). Over the centuries the law and standards have brought about several changes in the prisons, their structure and operations. Early dungeons By modern day standards & merits, the conditions & interiors of the jails in early days were absolutely horrific. There was lawlessness, indiscipline, & inhumane conditions both in & out of the cells. The prisoners spent their time in association, without any sort of labour, depending on charity for their entire existence. There was virtually no procedure or system to treat unwell prisoners & inmates. Religious services were also not provided for these socially prohibited trashes. Har mful alcohol, unhygienic atmosphere, & beastly conditions prevailed behind the walls of these forbidden kingdoms. The prisons in England were in a precarious position, yet there was not much ado about it. Humans living worse than animals were the general traits upon which the metaphor of the word ‘prison’ was based in the 19th century. The prisons & confinements in USA lingered in the same tottering position. The culmination of the American Revolution did not bring any sort of positive change amidst the jails & prisons. The Walnut street jail in Philadelphia was one of the most ill maintained jails of the time (Sutherland, Cressey & Luckenbill, 1992, p

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Marketing mix Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing mix - Coursework Example With the high level of obese cases in the country, there is a high demand of healthy foods. To address this, the supermarket has come up with the production of healthy foods. To make this come into a reality, the supermarket will go an extra mile to deliver high quality food products with minimal contents of sugar, fat and salt. According to scientific research, all these have been responsible for obesity. Therefore, by getting access to purely organic and chemical-free fresh food products, all our clients will feel satisfied. Meaning, they will not buy food from any other supplier, but consider At Eat Smart Supermarket as the best alternative in the market. Since the supermarket is targeting a larger market, it will be incumbent upon the management to ensure a proper distribution of its products. For all the potential clients to be accessed wherever they are there needs to be an even distribution. This will be done by establishing distribution points in different parts of the country. These include grocery stores and a chain of supermarkets. If it is properly done, the clients will have confidence in the supermarket and its products. Once the supermarket resorts to even distribution of its food products, it will definitely appeal to potential clients. As a result, they will not wait for supplies from other competing firms, but buy the readily available commodities from its outlets. The other important tool to employ by the supermarket is pricing mix. As a matter of fact, price is one of the factors which determine the success of a new product in the market. Since the market is free for everyone, each and every player needs to come up with competitive prices. This is necessary because it can help in attracting clients and making some profit. In this regard, as a new player in the market, Eat Smart Supermarket will have to set reasonably fair prices. Meaning, they should be

Monday, September 9, 2019

Analzying group process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analzying group process - Essay Example The group was trying to reach to a consensus which would be accepted by all the group members. At the beginning, all of them stated with their own desirousness. After a while, instead of thinking about one’s own choice, they shifted their focus to a particular solution which may serve or fulfill all members’ requirement. Ultimately the group was trying to come up with a particular solution as per the demand and requirement of the group. All the members did not perform at par. Few of them had excellent command over language and had guts to establish their view over other participants. From the beginning of the discussion, it has been noticed that Nelson and Kathrin had leadership quality. As both of them clearly stated their views and they also provided opportunities to Perez to give his verdict who did not properly participate because of shyness. Apart from these, three other participants were good as per the communication level but Megan and Allen always tried to suppress other to make their statement more prominent. This attitude brought in inconsistency with in the discussion. Regarding Davis, though he is not able to show the leadership attitude but he has followed all such techniques through which flow of the communication has not been affected. At the middle of the discussion, Megan added one topic which was a bit relevant with the topic. That is the education system of developing countries. But later on she began to emphasis on that topic only which made the discussion out of track and interrupted in the flow of the communication. Next, Kathrin takes the responsibility to get back to the actual track by avoiding that topic and gain the attention of the other members towards the actual topic. During the discussion Davis, Nelson and Kathrin addressed few of the past statistics related to the courses and the current education system which made the discussion more