Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The rising cost of college tuition Research Paper

The rising cost of college tuition - Research Paper Example Some parents and students harbor the feeling that college education is an investment (Butler and Foundation Heritage 3). Therefore, they anticipate returns from the money spent. The societal perspective towards college education is to a given extent pegged towards cost whereas on another extent pegged towards the value that one would achieve out of this investment. The high cost of college education deprives persons from low-income families to acquire college education. Alongside meeting the high cost of living that has skyrocketed in the last few decades, parents have to spend more dollars in meeting the education needs of their children. The result is a continuous struggle by the low-income communities to change their lives. On the other sense, some analysts hold the view high cost of college education derail the prestige and the status of the United States higher education. Many people have started questioning the whether the students get the value for the money they pay in their bid to acquire college education. The rise in cost of college education in various states is quite astonishing given the need to acquire education for the future. ... Arguably, the challenges as well as the demands in the society seem to limit individuals from stopping the quest for college education. Some critics have pointed out that rate of increase in tuition cost have consistently exceeded the overall inflation rate. The view of critics comparing the rise in college cost to the inflation rate concludes that there has to something wrong somewhere with industry whose firms consistently raise prices faster than the inflation rate. It is unusual for firms to experience growth that is much higher than the inflation rate. The rise in the college cost has predisposed many students to seek alternative funding including acquiring education loans that they are not able to pay until they acquire employment. Many students have huge debts, which they have acquired because of their attempt to seek college education. Further, some students have to enroll for work-study program in order to raise tuition fee for their education. Although education is instrume ntal to the lives of the people today, the high college cost seems to favor a given clique in the society. The cost for engineering or medical course, for example is not affordable to a student who comes from a humble background. The fear that some critics tend to harbor is that while everybody seems to appreciate the importance of education, many might not be able to acquire such services in future especially students from low-income communities (Wilson). Largely, this argument seems to point on social economic constraints experienced by the parents and students from less fortunate families. Since money defines the type of course that a student would pursue in college, there are some possibility that some students would settle on pursuing careers that they did not

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