Friday, December 27, 2019

IT Professional Job Description - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1732 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Career Essay Level High school Topics: My Dream Job Essay Did you like this example? My dream job is to become an IT professional to work with the great company Google. Advancements in the field of technology have changed the manner in which individuals undertake their day to day activities. Technology has changed the way people communicate as well as the style in which people travel from one place to another. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "IT Professional Job Description" essay for you Create order One of the significant applications technology is in the workplace where computers are used to record, process and store data. Moreover, computer programs have been developed to help organizations in the management of their employees as well as other business partners and suppliers. It points out that technology has played a significant role in improving the efficiency and productivity of various business processes and activities, (Hauff Gousios, 2015, May). I believe that as an IT professional, I will be in a better position to find useful and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the industry as well as the recurring human needs. The nature of the work done by IT professionals involves the use of computer and other computer-based systems. The job, therefore, requires one to have skills in the software as well as hardware aspect of computers. It is also essential for the individual to be well conversant with the various languages used in the programming of computer software. A software engineer’s job varies according to the demands of the business or organization. The job description for an IT Engineer include the following; Computer programming controls which are used to activate machinery in manufacturing industries. Working with a business analyst to develop a project development plan. Setting up new IT system. Modifying IT systems already in use. Building administrative and database systems for offices. Writing documentation, developing code. Programming a test model of a piece of software. Testing the model for compatibility and installation problems. Analyzing test results and fixing any technical problems that arise through the test. Installing a complete version of the software and testing the software again before it is ready for use. Testing and operating software once it is up and running. Fixing any problems that arise with the software when it is in use. Advising clients on the new software. Compensation package and benefits package IT professionals play a critical role in the organization as they are involved in the most of the organization processes that are undertaken through computer systems. Computer software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and the systems that enable computers to perform many applications. For this reason, it is therefore essential to ensure that the organization can offer the position an attractive job description as well as an attractive compensation package, (Ehlers, 2015, May). The move will see to it that the organization can attract the best talents in the IT fields. Having a talented IT team is vital to ensure that the organization can keep up with the current trends and improvements in the IT industry thus improving on the overall productivity of the IT department as well as that of the organization as a whole. Moreover, a competitive compens ation package will also see to it that the existing employees of the organization feel comfortable working for the organization by providing additional benefits and bonuses. It is important to recognize that the United States is among the learning countries with the best paying software engineering jobs. The job position will attract compensation in the form of monthly salary in addition to other benefits. The average salary for an application software developer is $93,000, with only 10% of such developers making more than $139,000 in salary. Then, any Google engineer making $3 million per year is getting most of that in bonuses or stock. In addition to the net pay, the software engineer will also be entitled to the various benefit which is aimed at improving the employees overall well being thus increasing their jobs satisfaction as well as productivity. The benefits include house allowance, entertainment allowance, a flexible company funded mortgage plans, family cover, and travel allowances. Other benefits of the job position include access to company cars as well as access to company learning the material on current trends in the software engineering field. The individual will have access to state of the art computer systems which will significantly improve their knowledge and skills regarding software engineering. The nature of work undertaken by software engineers requires them to be well informed about cybersecurity issues. Therefore, the software engineer will also be entitled to continuous training on current as well as emerging issues in the programming, cybersecurity and the technology industry as a whole. Last but not least, the individual will also be working with a team of well trained and experienced professionals in the IT industry, (Bhattacharyya, 2015). As a mid-level job position, working within the group will significantly help the software engineer to understand more of the intricacies of software engineering. The rationale for the compensation package Having a competitive compensation plan will see to it that the organization can stand out from its competitors in the job market. Moreover, the employees of the organization will also feel that they are most valued by the organization, and as such, they will work hard to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. To being with, the net salary is higher than the average annual salary for software engineers in the United States. What this means is that the organization will be able to attract a vast pool of qualified software engineers thus being in better position to settle for the most suitable candidate. Also, the benefits added to the salary are aimed at making the job more attractive to the potential candidates, (Ehlers, 2015, May). As such, more qualified individuals who are already working for other organizations can consider joining this particular organization. Research has also shown that employees with better remuneration packages are not only more motivated for their work but even more satisfied with their jobs. As the most significant assets of the organization, it is the employees who are tasked with the responsibility of making the organization realize the desired success. According to Ehlers (2015) when the employees are well paid compared to the other major competitors of the business in the market, then the employees will focus on their work entirely thus giving the desired organizational outcomes. Otherwise, the employees may become dissatisfied with their work as they seek to join companies that promise to offer them more attractive compensation packages and benefits. In the end, the organization will also be able to effectively deal with the employee turn over challenges which threatens the success and sustainability of the organization in the short as well as long run. The Performance Appraisal Program Performance appraisal programs are developed base on the how employers perceive or desire their employee to undertake their duties and responsibilities. The program is also useful in helping employers identify the specific skills, talents as well as abilities of the employees. What this means is that performance appraisal helps the organization to develop its employees for the future duties and responsibilities within the organization. Various performance appraisal techniques have been developed, and the decision to use a particular method will depend on the desired outcomes by the individuals administering the evaluation. A capable performance appraisal system is one which has been well designed and constructed to assess the performance as well as the work relationships between the employees within the organization, (Chatterjee, 2017). Moreover, it is also essential for the program to be straightforward to ensure that the measurements are directly linked to positive outcomes for the organization as a whole. The performance appraisal will be used for the above job position includes supervisor evaluation as well as self-evaluation of the software engineer. The supervisor evaluation will involve the assessment of the employee by the supervisor. The nature of the relationship between the employee and the supervisor means that this will present an opportunity for two-way feedback. That is, feedback from the supervisor on the performance of the employee as well as input from the employee on the performance of the supervisor. The supervisor will rate the performance of the employees as very poor, needy, fair, reasonable, exemplary as presented by, (Chatterjee, 2017). On the other hand, the self-evaluation will enable the IT professional to assess how he or she is performing her job based on the job description of the position. It is an opportunity to present the supervisor and the employee to interact during appraisal exercise. The Rational for the Performance Appraisal Program The goal of the performance appraisal is to ensure that the organization can understand the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. The information plays a significant role in helping the management in the decision-making process within the organization such as tagging the employees that would work best together. The two performance appraisal techniques were settled for because the will offer the organization as well as the employees the benefits that will translate into organizational success. It is because the results from the two assessments will give comprehensive information from two sources. The manager will be able to understand the employee from his or her perspective as well as from the standpoint of their supervisor who watches them undertake their duties and responsibilities on a daily basis throughout the workdays, (Foster, 2014). The use of the supervisor evaluation will be an effective way getting to know whether or not the IT specialist is a team player. Since the supervisor manages the activities of the employees, they will be in a better position to say whether not the employee follows directives from the superiors, adheres to the set laws and regulations among other issues that require compliance. Moreover, the review of the supervisors by the employees can be done anonymously to ensure that the employees feel free, to be frank with the information they present in the assessment exercise. Last but not least, it is also imperative to mention that the supervisor evaluation also offers an opportunity for the supervisors to listen to the employees when they are giving their opinion or concerns regarding the issues that they are facing while undertaking their duties and responsibilities. The supervisors will also be in a position to serve the employees much better as they will be able to see thing from the em ployee’s perspective as argued by Foster (2014).

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Language of Love Essay - 1681 Words

A Language of Love I was nine years old when my family purchased its first television set. The year was 1968 and the popular series â€Å"Lost In Space† was in its final season on prime time T.V. I loved â€Å"Lost In Space† and avidly followed the adventures of the Robinson family through years of afternoon reruns. My sisters teased me about having a crush on Billy Mumy, the young actor who played Will Robinson. This charge infuriated and puzzled me. It infuriated me because I knew it wasn’t true, but it puzzled me because I recognized a seed of truth in their teasing. It was many years before I was able to articulate what that truth was: I didn’t have a crush on Billy Mumy. I had a crush on Angela Cartwright, the actress who played Penny.†¦show more content†¦We must continue to search for ways to make an â€Å"other† sexual orientation acceptable. And we need to do it long before our children reach the emotional minefield of adolescence. I suggest that i t is the responsibility of every thinking, caring adult to examine her own heterosexist assumptions and to make visible for her children the wide range of romantic expression that exists. I had lunch recently with my young son at his elementary school. The children tend to segregate themselves into the â€Å"boys† and the â€Å"girls† tables, although some overlap occurs. Another parent, seated with the boys, asked the children, â€Å"How many of you want to sit at the girls’ table?† His question was answered with a chorus of boos and vociferous â€Å"no†s, although not all the boys joined in. â€Å"Well,† this parent said, smiling, â€Å"I’ll ask you again in high school. You’ll all want to sit at the girls’ table then!† If current statistics about homosexuality are right, one of the ten boys at the table will not want to sit with the girls, at least not for the reason this well-meaning parent assumes. In his unconscious reflection of heterosexist values, this man is denying the experience one of those impressionable children will have. Which child will it be that grows up with his feelings invalidated and unnamed? Will it be this father’s own child? Will it be mine? It is difficult for theShow MoreRelatedEssay On Love Languages1707 Words   |  7 PagesLove Languages Today, I will be explaining the five basic forms of love languages. They are: physical touch, act of service, words of affirmation, quality time, and receiving gifts. They each represent different characteristics of love people use in a relationship. Some may be used more than others. This is depending on the type of person you are as well as, the person you are in a relationship with. They have a survey that a person can take that explain the type of loving person you are. This surveyRead MoreThe Love Languages Of The Children1860 Words   |  8 Pages It is a universal truth that we all need love in our lives. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Partnership Dissolved Automatically

Question: Discuss about the Partnership Dissolved Automatically. Answer: Introduction: A partnership can be formed when two or more people are involved. These can be either general or limited. There should be valid agreement that has to be formed between the parties. There is a mutuality of the rights. An agency is established in a partnership. Various interests and obligations are held by the partners towards each other. A business is to be carried on which is to be opposed to an isolated transaction. In a partnership, there should be a joint ownership. The partners have to share with each other the gross returns. This sharing would be done according to their share in the business. A partnership can be dissolved by various ways. It can be through the action of the partners. The partners death can be one way. If the purpose of the partnership is not legal then also the partnership can be dissolved automatically. Even courts can dissolve it on the application of either of the parties. A partnership is not perpetual that is, it would be dissolved if any of the partners d ies. The business name is to be decided. If the personal name is kept for the partnership then no registration is required. It is however required to get the business name required. A separate tax file number is allotted to each of the partnerships. This refers to an Australian Business number. If people are employed in a partnership then various kinds of responsibilities would have to be fulfilled. These are such as including the employee payroll tax.[1]One of the most basic motives of the formation of a partnership is to earn a profit. Each of the partners has been allowed by law to participate in the management of the company. A partnership does not have a separate entity from its partners.[2] That means no legal entity has been granted to it by law. Attributes of a company A company has a separate legal entity. It is created by a charter or legislation. A corporation sole a kind of a company and has been recognized by the Australian law. One minimum shareholder or director is required. At least one director, who is a resident of Australia, should be present in each company. An annual audit is required to be carried out in every company. A proprietary limited company is the one which has a suffix pvt. ltd after the name of the company. This company cannot raise any capital from the general public by way of shares.[3] The shareholders liability is limited by various ways. It can be limited by way of a guarantee. The duties of the directors comprises of loyalty and the duty of care. They have to look after the interests of the company. They are accountable to the various stakeholders of a company. Full disclosure needs to be given by the directors if they have some interest matter in the transaction that is to take place in a company. Selling of shares of a company can be one way of transferring the ownership in a company. The taxation rates for a company are more favorable. A full foreign ownership in case of a company has been permitted by the Australian law. A company is perpetual in succession as the company is not affected by the death of any directors as it is a separate legal entity. Also, the profits which the company earns can be repatriated. Corporate governance is one of the matters which can be included in the scope of the duties of the directors. A company generally has a wider access to large capital. Also, it is easier for a company to widen its skill base. Advice for Pat and Helen In the light of the attributes stated above, Pat and Helen should start off as a partnership firm as regards to the ease of formation and registration. With minimal legal formalities required, the partnership can come into existence. Once they are stable in the market and also need credibility then they can opt for registering as a company. Difference between the liability of a partner in a partnership and a director of a company If the costs are incurred in a partnership then the liability of the partners is significantly large or unlimited. Every partner is in himself a principal and an agent in a partnership. In case, the partners act in a negligent manner, then their liability would be joint and several. This happens majorly in cases where there is no indemnity insurance. Each of the partners is responsible in the legal capacity and also in his financial capacity too. The major cause of problem for the partners arises when one of the partners faces insolvency. The director would be liable for the debts which are incurred on behalf of the company.[4] Also the directors, if comply with all the obligations, their liability would be limited to the extent that they would not be held personally liable for the debts or costs incurred. In breach of any directors duty, he may be liable personally. Scallop fishing in the waters of New SouthWales Scallop fishing in the New South Wales is dependent on the system of quotas. Scallops are known to be the bivalve molluscs that that are laid unattached. These are attached to the seabed and also fed by the plankton. They can also swim in an active manner. Most of the times, the adults are sedentary. Basically King scallops are the ones that can be distributed through the Southern Australia. It means that these are caught from the waters of New South Wales. This fishing of the commercial scallop is basically undertaken in the New South Wales in the month of May and October. Approximately, 175.8 tonnes of scallops are harvested between July to June.[6] Issue The issue in this question has arisen as to the quota of the scallop fishing given to a person fishing the same in the New South Wales and the quota given to a company for fishing scallops.[7] Rule The rule used in the question would the Scallop Fishing and Marketing Act. The fisheries legislation which is the Fisheries Management Act, 1994 is the legislation which is used in the New South Wales. This legislation came from the Fisheries and Oyster Farms Act, 1935. Most of the provisions of this old Act were carried forward to the new Act. The Corporations Act, 2001 seeks to state the fact that a company being a separate legal entity has the powers of its own. A company being an entity with a totally separate existence and owns a distinct entity with powers such as disposal of the property. It has the powers of that of an individual. The companies can also enter into contracts on their behalf.[8] Application The application of this rule in the present situation can be analyzed from the fact that licenses are given under this new Act to the ones who want to fish scallop. The licenses are given for fishing and are made renewable. If the provisions of the Act are breached then these licenses are taken back.[9] Once, a minor fishery for the fishing of the P. fumatus was upheld in the New South Wales waters. It was managed in the form of the limited entry drive fishery. This fishery had allowed the 4 licensed operators which had helped in producing very small amounts of scallop. These fisheries of New South Wales are a fishery that is highly intermittent. These are managed on the basis of needs of the people. However, this had happened in the past. This is not the case now. The quota as have been fixed now on the basis of the one size fits all approach.[10] A company is treated as having a separate existence from its owners. This rule pervades the company law. In the case of Soloman vs. Solom an, (1896)[11] this principle has been fairly illustrated. It was stated that a company has an independent existence[12]. Therefore in the present case this issue can be solved with the help of the rule of separate legal entity. For example if a person is allowed under the laws of the New South Wales to fish scallop of around 55 tonnes then if registered as a company, then the company would be allowed to fish scallop of around 110 tonnes. Conclusion The conclusion of this issue is that proper quotas have been made.[13] The fishing of the scallops is one of the key components of the management. The spatial management of this scallop is crucial. The strategy of the one size fits all approach is that it is based on the limit reference point which is applied to the quotas of each of the fisheries. The separate legal entity principle is one of the principles which are fundamental to the company law. This is applied on a global basis. A company is treated as having a separate existence from its owners. This rule pervades the company law. Therefore, the advice given by the son in this case is correct as the company can fish double the amount the scallop which an individual person can fish. Bibliography Sandra E. Shumway and G. Jay Parsons, Scallops: Biology, Ecology, Aquaculture, and Fisheries Elsevier (3rd edn., Elsevier 2016)1127 Australasian Legal Information Institute, Corporations Act 2001 - Sect 1.5.1(2017) Australasian Legal Information Institute, Corporations Law - Part 1.5 -- Small Business Guide (2017) Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery(2016) Australian Government, Assessment of the South Australian Scallop and Turbo Fisheries(2007) Avv. Serena de Palma, Salomon V Salomon Co [U.K. 1897](2017) Business Victoria, Company (2016) Business, Can I be personally liable for debts of the business or company?(2016) Chad, 5 situations where a company Director could be personally liable for its debts(2015) FAO Corporate Document Repository , Part II: Fisheries Rights In Legislation(2017) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Country Note On Fisheries Management Systems Australia(2017) Tasmanian Government, Company - advantages and disadvantages(2015)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Ghost Of Hamlets Father Essays - Characters In Hamlet, Fiction

The Ghost Of Hamlet's Father In William Shakespeares Hamlet, the ghost of Hamlets father appears very briefly. However, he provides the basis for the development and eventual downfall of Hamlets character. The play begins with a dismal Hamlet mourning his fathers death Recognizing this gloom, Queen Gertrude urges Hamlet to cast thy nighted color off, and let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark (I, ii, 68-69). Soon after, the ghost appears, insisting, If thou didst ever thy father love, revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (I, v, 24-25). As Hamlet decides to scourge the past and present evils in Denmark, the ghost unleashes death and malice onto the stage. The first and most obvious change which the ghost instills into Hamlet is a vengeful spirit. Not only must Hamlet destroy Claudius, but he must also stop Fortinbras from invading Denmark. Although less obvious, the second task can be inferred from the fact that the ghost appears wearing the very armor he had on when he the ambitious Norway combated (I, i, 60-61). Hamlet spends the entire play trying to carry out these orders, eventually causing the downfall of his spirit. Partly because he feels reserve and guilt for his task, Hamlet delays taking action throughout the play. However, this paradoxical delay only makes Hamlet feel more guilty. He questions his self-worth and even considers suicide, pondering, To die -- to sleep -- no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to (III, i, 60-63). He cannot accept the goodness of life or destroy its evils. Because of the ghosts words, Hamlet also becomes increasingly concerned with his mothers sexual relations with his uncle. In his first appearance to Hamlet, the ghost insults his brother saying, Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast... O wicked wit and gifts, that have the power so to seduce!--won to his shameful lust the will of my most seeming-virtuous queen (I, v, 42-45). Hamlet, adopting this malicious spirit, later responds to the ghost with a fervent, O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain (I, v, 105-106). Hamlet now has a valid reason to be disgusted with both his uncle and his mother and proceeds to confront his mother on this incestual issue. He does this by comparing his father, a combination and a form indeed which every god did seem to set his seal to give the world assurance of a man (III, iv, 61-63), to his uncle, a mildewed ear blasting his wholesome brother (III, iv, 65). Hamlet focuses on a minute and inconsequential part of avenging his fathers murder; thus, he delays action even more. The ghost also induces Hamlets preoccupation with death and decay, seen through Hamlets many allusions to the subject. Hamlet makes puns involving death: Your worm is your only emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service-two dishes, but to one table (IV, iii, 21-24). He ponders and foresees death: I see the imminent death of twenty thousand men that for a fantasy and trick of fame go to their graves like beds... O from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth (IV, iv, 60-66). Hamlet even seems fascinated by death: That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once... That might be the pate of a politician... might it not? (V, i, 67-71). We can assume that Hamlet was not previously obsessed and intrigued by death and decay. However, with the ghosts appearance, and with his increasing feelings of guilt, Hamlet becomes more macabre and (covertly) depressed. The ghost ultimately causes Hamlets destruction by requiring that his son avenge his death. The ghost also causes Hamlets feelings of self-doubt and guilt thanks to Hamlets procrastination -- he never even reaches the task of stopping Fortinbras -- and to his somewhat incestual preoccupation with his mothers and uncles relationship. The ghosts influence wrenches Hamlets spirit out of its normal frame so that he destroys himself while simultaneously destroying his enemies. Shakespeare