Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Language of Love Essay - 1681 Words

A Language of Love I was nine years old when my family purchased its first television set. The year was 1968 and the popular series â€Å"Lost In Space† was in its final season on prime time T.V. I loved â€Å"Lost In Space† and avidly followed the adventures of the Robinson family through years of afternoon reruns. My sisters teased me about having a crush on Billy Mumy, the young actor who played Will Robinson. This charge infuriated and puzzled me. It infuriated me because I knew it wasn’t true, but it puzzled me because I recognized a seed of truth in their teasing. It was many years before I was able to articulate what that truth was: I didn’t have a crush on Billy Mumy. I had a crush on Angela Cartwright, the actress who played Penny.†¦show more content†¦We must continue to search for ways to make an â€Å"other† sexual orientation acceptable. And we need to do it long before our children reach the emotional minefield of adolescence. I suggest that i t is the responsibility of every thinking, caring adult to examine her own heterosexist assumptions and to make visible for her children the wide range of romantic expression that exists. I had lunch recently with my young son at his elementary school. The children tend to segregate themselves into the â€Å"boys† and the â€Å"girls† tables, although some overlap occurs. Another parent, seated with the boys, asked the children, â€Å"How many of you want to sit at the girls’ table?† His question was answered with a chorus of boos and vociferous â€Å"no†s, although not all the boys joined in. â€Å"Well,† this parent said, smiling, â€Å"I’ll ask you again in high school. You’ll all want to sit at the girls’ table then!† If current statistics about homosexuality are right, one of the ten boys at the table will not want to sit with the girls, at least not for the reason this well-meaning parent assumes. In his unconscious reflection of heterosexist values, this man is denying the experience one of those impressionable children will have. Which child will it be that grows up with his feelings invalidated and unnamed? Will it be this father’s own child? Will it be mine? It is difficult for theShow MoreRelatedEssay On Love Languages1707 Words   |  7 PagesLove Languages Today, I will be explaining the five basic forms of love languages. They are: physical touch, act of service, words of affirmation, quality time, and receiving gifts. They each represent different characteristics of love people use in a relationship. Some may be used more than others. This is depending on the type of person you are as well as, the person you are in a relationship with. They have a survey that a person can take that explain the type of loving person you are. This surveyRead MoreThe Love Languages Of The Children1860 Words   |  8 Pages It is a universal truth that we all need love in our lives. 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