Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Generation X Literature Review - 1092 Words

Douglas Coupland’s Generation X is a novel in which young adults essentially tell each other stories of their life, and these stories tell the views of the generation as a whole. As one can imagine, because of all the storytelling, the use of literary devices is littered throughout the course of the novel. In the first half of the novel, we are given a good sense of who the main characters are through detailed character development of their past and their views. There have been three static characters established; Andy, Dag, and Claire. The novel is told from the first person point of view of Andy Palmer, the main protagonist. The setting is established in Palm Springs, Florida, where the trio live together in a lowly†¦show more content†¦He only leaves that room after his dog tries to kill him and is exposed to what the outside world has become. He makes a commitment to get caught up, even with a ten year handicap. In his storytelling session, he tells a story of when he was a foreign photo researcher. In this story, we come into contact with a life philosophy which is probably one he shares. The life philosophy is this: â€Å"Only the individual who is solitary is like a thing subject to profound laws, and if he goes out into the morning that is just beginning, or looks into the evening, that is full of things happening, and if he feels what is going on there, then his whole situation drops from him as a dead man, although he stands in the very midst of life.† (59). I have yet to figure out exactly what this means, but it sounds like the man who lives by himself has the oppo rtunity to go out and do something with his life, and when he takes that opportunity his old life takes a fall and a new one begins. Andy also expresses envy towards his parents that they didn’t have to be worried about â€Å"futurelessness†. Andy says â€Å"I want to tell them that I envy their upbringings that were so clean, so free of futurelessness. And I want to throttle them for blithely handing over the world to us so much like skid-marked underwear.† (86) There has been a new character introduced named Tobias, who seems to resemble an antagonist as Andy doesn’t seem toShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits And Challenges Of Diversity869 Words   |  4 Pages Writing Literature Reviews Research Plan Marcus Radford Brandman University OLCU 501: Organizational Research May 21, 2017 â€Æ' Research Plan This research plan includes (a) a statement of the research purpose for the literature review, (b) three specific research questions, (c) an outline that includes a statement of the need for the research and how the research questions will be answered, and (d) a preliminary list of references that will be used to write the literature review. 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