Sunday, June 2, 2019

Internet Advertising :: essays research papers fc

Topic How to create a network pagePurpose InformSpecific Purpose Explain to people that a web page is a valuable resource for any business or product.Thematic Statement People of all ages use the Internet every(prenominal) day and its continuously growing at a rapid rate. In the century we live the Internet is one of the most productive ship canal to advertise.Attention getting material If you ever noticed almost every product and business has a web come out ranging from doctor web pages to honor web pages. We should all start thinking about and becoming familiar with the options and resources available for createing a successful web page.I. Getting startedA. What kind of web page do you want1. basic2. elaborateII. OptionsA. Do it yourself1. easy to follow instructionsB. How much time and effort do you grow to build a web page1. hire an experienced designer, which costs moneyIIIStepsA. Choosing a web site with easy to follow procedures1. homestead2. tripodB. Things you need1. A PC computer2. Some kind of internet connection service3. An email addressC. What you need to do1. first figure out the computer on and log onto the internet2. type in www.tripod. com or www. 3. For example on the tripod web page hit the enter key at the opening page of the Tripod site.4. Sign up as a member on the upper left side of the pagea. choose a substance abuser name. b. Select a passwordc. Click register5. enter your email address6. enter to complete your registration.7. Next click on build site8. Then click on create a new web site9. Now begin building your homepage10. Now fill out the tranquillity of the fields on the page. a. color schemeb. import graphics11. once you are done, update it regularlyConclusion As you can see, I have illustrated the great benefits of having a web site.

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