Saturday, June 8, 2019

Zara's strategic approach to Information Technology Management Essay

Zaras strategic set out to Information Technology Management - Essay ExampleInformation engineering science management not only involves basic functions of management such as staffing and budgeting, but also has aspects worry softwargon design, change management, tech support and network planning that are unique to the management of selective information and technology only. Table of contents Executive Summary...2 Zaras Approach to management of information and technology.4 ciscos approach 8 Comparison.11 Conclusion...11 References.12 Cutting back on cost is one of the most crucial aspects of the Zara Companys approach to information and technology. This can be proved by the incident that the company tries as a much as possible to derogate cost in their information technology infrastructure. This can be seen in the way they handle their information technology needs. For example, the company prefers to develop their own programs rather than employing software ontogeny companies to write their program or buying softwares. It is good to develop ones software internally, but it has its limitation. In fact, what most companies do is to buy shell programs and past configure them accordingly to the suitability of their company. They do not develop their programs themselves from scratch. Although developing ones programs internally like in the case of Zara has some advantages like ownership to rights of the programs, it comes with some disadvantages. Firstly when a company writes its own program from scratch and does not int end to gain from it commercially, they face they risk of being throne in technology. This can be proved by the case of Zara clothing company which as of 2003 the company was still using DOS operating system, which thus far its manufacturer Microsoft has termed it as well out dated (Macafee & Dessain & Sjoman, 2007). One reason why Zara finds it difficult to upgrade to another current operating system is the fact that it wrote its point of sale (POS) program specifically run on a dos operating system. Thus, as much as any management tries to minimize running cost as much as possible, quality should also be considered. This because in the long run cheap is expensive. Five years stack the line, Zara Fashion Company will find itself in a lot of technical problems. This is because it will be left behind by other modal value companies since other companies are moving forward with the technology in regards to point of sale. If we look at Zaras systems, after making transactions at the end of the day, one needs to back up the data in a floppy disk. However, in modern point of sale systems, information is backed up automatically in real time. This means that a good point of sale system should store information of any transaction in the master(prenominal) server immediately. Saving information each and every day is exceedingly tiresome and time consuming. Another disadvantage of this is that if one forgets to store the info rmation in a floppy disk, then it means that information will never be retrieved hence causing problems in accounting. Zaras approach to information technology management can be evaluated considering the ten principles of good information management and seeing if it satisfies these principles. Good information management should focus on adoption. This means information manag

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