Friday, May 31, 2019

Monopoly of Petroleum: OPEC Essay -- Business Case Studies Oil Essays

Monopoly of Petroleum OPECImages Not Included A monopoly is evident where a firm is the sole seller of its product and if its product does not read close substitutes, as discussed in (Gans J., King S. Mankiw A. 2003). This essay will discuss the monopoly of oil color by The Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), particularly how it controls the worth of petrol, threats to its monopoly and the social costs involved. OPEC was established in the 1960s and ever since, Saudi Arabia gained a reputation of existence the major power of the organization. Saudi Arabia has the biggest oil reserves in the world and production costs lower than any country. ( 2003)This means that it is a natural monopoly and economies of collection plate arises when the long run average total cost falls as the quantity of output increases as illustrated in figure 1. (Gans, J. King, S., Mankiw, N., 2003) Saudi Arabia is the undisputed drawing card of OPEC. Figure 1 Economies of Scale as a factor of MonopolyCost Average Total Costs Quantity of outputSaudi arabias petroleum monopoly is genuinely much its governments major interest. The kingdom earned over $80 billion in revenue from oil in 2000.( 2003) OPECs ability to influence the food market price is the key of its power. Comp bed to a competitive firm, the demand curve for a monopoly is a horizontal one as it send packing set any quantity it wants for a given price. The demand curve slopes downwards... ... production costs is amongst the lowest in the world. Iraq has the potential of overthrowing OPECs regime if OPEC countries like Russia and France are ready to develop Iraqs oilfields so that it can be used to full efficienc y. Does this mean that, to stop a monopoly, another monopoly must be used to overcome it? Time will tell, especially when UN sanctions are lifted and the new Iraqi government is formally established.In conclusion, OPECs monopoly of the petroleum industry has been a strong one since the 1960s since its members enjoy economies of scale. Its decisions concerning the output of petrol have always been strong affecting the rest of the world. This monopoly is socially inefficient due to the output and the deadweight loss that results. Interestingly enough, to break this monopoly, the new Iraq has the potential to turn the market power around.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Attacked by a Friend :: essays papers

Attacked by a Friend Long long time past in a galaxy far far away. Really only four years ago on a Friday night in a small redneck town just west of Atlanta. We had just moved to a new home in the same city. My younger brother had a friend, whose name is Jason, spend the night at our new home. As the Friday evening wore on, I mostly stayed in my get on on the internet. I did the best as I could to be as anti-social as I could. However, at last, all of the people I was talking to on CompuServe signed off and I was remaining all alone. Therefore, as hard as it was for me to go to my brothers room and play with him and his friend, I did it. I had a blast. The night was actually number out to be non so horrible. As the night wore on we continued to play, and then it happened. I swung at his face in a jocose manner and with out realizing it, Jason had pulled out a knife and it had cut me. Instead of pain, I felt a surge of pressure being released and I knew what had happene d was not good. As I felt the knife cut into my weapon system, I could see blood shoot across the room. Immediately I grabbed the cut on my arm and ran to the bathroom sink Turning my head to yell at my brother I screamed, Nathan, get the first aid kit The bleeding was not windy it kept gushing out, with no control at all Then Nathan returned.Here you go He said as he handed the knock to me. Turning my head to him I said, Thats not going to work you idiot As I lifted my thumb from top of the wound to a greater extent blood shot out and was stopped only by the wall. Now what do I do? Oh no I am going to harbor to tell mom and dad I am in so much trouble right now. So I told my parents and was taken to the emergency room in Douglasville, GA. When I first arrived to the ER we where told by the attendant to hold on, so I took my thumb off the cut for a second and when the muliebrity saw that she let me in immediately.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Louis XIV :: essays research papers

LOUIS XIVLouis XIV was one of four leaders, (along with Charles V, Napoleon, and Adolf Hitler) who had an opportunity to establish their hegemony all over much of Europe in the time period after 1500. Although Louis XIV failed in his attempt to dominate Europe politically, it was during this time span that Europe was rattling strongly influenced by French culture and civilization.Louis XIV is a paradigm of European monarchs. He was known as Louis the Great, The Grand Monarch, and the Sun King. Louis lived from 1638 until 1715. He reigned as king of France from 1643 until 1715. He was actually in power from 1661 until 1715. His legacy is somewhat unusual. Some historians believe that Louis wars and heavy taxation policies led eventually to the outbreak of the French Revolution. He repeatedly tried to move Frances eastern boundary to the Rhine river. Two hundred and fifty years after Louis XIV, a leader would emerge in Germany who would claim all that he was trying to do was to reve rse the outcome of the wars fought between Louis XIVs France and the Germans.Louis father was Louis XIII and his mother was Anne of Austria. There is some dispute as to who actually fathered Louis XIV because his father was mentally unstable and did non like Anne of Austria. Whatever the reality, Louis was born on September 5, 1638. By all accounts Louis childhood was not very happy. He was reared primarily by servants. At one point he almost drowned in a pond because no one was ceremony him. His father died on May 14, 1643, when Louis was four and one-half years old. The regent who ruled France during the youth of Louis was Cardinal Mazarin from Italy. Mazarins policies were clever, complex and successful.Mazarin played a major situation in bringing about the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Mazarin basically wanted to end the conflict among the Catholic powers of Europe, and to use the power of France to oppose the Hapsburgs (Austria and Spain). Internally, in France, he wanted to continue the policies of Louis XIII and Richelieu who wanted to curb the powers of the French nobility and strengthen the power of the monarchy.In 1648, when Louis was 10 years old, certain nobles in France and the capital of France Parlement (a court of law) began a civil war against Mazarin and the young king.

Biblical Flood Myth of Genesis and the Flood Myth of the Epic of Gilgam

The Flood of the Bible and the Flood of Gilgamesh The tale of Noahs Ark, as told in the old testament, tells how idol punished the world because it had become corrupt. God accomplished this by flooding the world, and annihilating all the tools upon it, except for Noah and his family and a pair of each type of creature on the earth. Each decade, more insight is gained into the origin of the flood boloney. Based on the information available at the present time, one could argue that the story of Noahs Ark was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The story of Noahs Ark was first written as part of the old testament by the Jewish people. However, it is predated by far by the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story that originated in the same area that holds many striking similarities to the tale of Noahs Ark. Though the story was modified to accommodate new characters, many properties of the story are similar, from small details like the creatures used as scouts to the religious purpose of the flood itself. For example, some(prenominal) the flood stories start with the characters re...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Effects of Restricting the Type and Amount of Video Game Use by Childre

Effects of Restricting the Type and Amount of Video gritty Use by ChildrenPopularity of Video GamesPlaying video games has become almost as popular as watching television. The vast majority of school children rook video games they are part of the daily routine of 65% of American households. Video games account for 30% of the US toy market and the annual profits from video games approaches nine billion dollars, which is more than the gross sales from box office tickets for movies. This amount is 10 times the amount spent on outturn of childrens educational television programming (Walsh, 1999). Despite the popularity of video games, parents and teachers alike question whether or not this activity has any educational value. Moreover, as the timbre and realism of video games improve with advances in technology, it is likely that childrens interest in video games is going to increase, not decrease. For example, interactive video games, multimedia video games, and practical(pren ominal) reality video games are already on the market. It has been, and will continue to be difficult for parents to keep their children from playing this new generation of video games. The adjudicate of this review is to explore the issue of whether or not parents should restrict the type of video game their children play and the amount of time their children play video games. incontrovertible and Negative AspectsClearly, there are several negative aspects to playing video games. Parents have little control over the types of games their children choose to play. Perhaps the only meaningful questions we can ask are should they control the type of video game their child uses, e.g., traditional versus those with proven therapeutic value? (Parente, 1997). Sh... 2.1 69-74. Parente, A. (1997). Does video games improve attention-concentration and hand-eye coordination scant(p) report? Cognitive Technology 2.2 41-43. Phillips, C.A., Rolls, S., Rouse, A., & Griffiths, M.D. (199 5). Home video game playing in schoolchildren A study of incidence and patterns of play. Journal of Adolescence 18.6 687-691. Scientific Research. Retrieved 16 family 2001. http// The Effects of Video Games on How Children Learn. Retrieved 5 June 2001. http// Twum, M. (1994). Maximizing generalization of cognition and memory after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 4.3 157-167. Video Games Harmfully Addictive or A Unique Educational Environment? Retrieved 5 June 2001. http//

Effects of Restricting the Type and Amount of Video Game Use by Childre

Effects of Restricting the Type and Amount of Video Game Use by ChildrenPopularity of Video GamesPlaying idiot box spiriteds has become most as popular as watching television. The vast majority of school children play video games they are part of the daily routine of 65% of American households. Video games account for 30% of the US toy market and the annual earnings from video games approaches nine billion dollars, which is more than the gross sales from quoin office tickets for movies. This amount is 10 times the amount spent on production of childrens educational television programming (Walsh, 1999). Despite the popularity of video games, parents and teachers likewise question whether or not this activity has any educational value. Moreover, as the quality and realism of video games improve with advances in technology, it is likely that childrens interest in video games is going to increase, not decrease. For example, interactive video games, multimedia video games, and v irtual reality video games are already on the market. It has been, and will lodge to be difficult for parents to keep their children from compete this new generation of video games. The purpose of this review is to explore the issue of whether or not parents should restrict the fictional character of video game their children play and the amount of time their children play video games.Positive and Negative AspectsClearly, there are several negative aspects to playing video games. Parents have little control over the types of games their children choose to play. Perhaps the only meaningful questions we can ask are should they control the type of video game their child uses, e.g., traditional versus those with proven therapeutic value? (Parente, 1997). Sh... 2.1 69-74. Parente, A. (1997). Does video games improve attention-concentration and hand-eye coordination Short report? Cognitive Technology 2.2 41-43. Phillips, C.A., Rolls, S., Rouse, A., & Griffiths, M.D. (1995). Home video game playing in schoolchildren A study of incidence and patterns of play. Journal of Adolescence 18.6 687-691. Scientific Research. Retrieved 16 September 2001. http// The Effects of Video Games on How Children Learn. Retrieved 5 June 2001. http// Twum, M. (1994). Maximizing generalization of experience and memory after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 4.3 157-167. Video Games Harmfully Addictive or A Unique Educational Environment? Retrieved 5 June 2001. http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Frankenstein and Human Cloning Essay

What is life sentence? What defines a person? Do you believe humans should have the right to create life? Are there whatsoever consequences? In 1831 Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, a magnificent depiction of a man taking up Gods role of fountain of life. Victor wanted to achieve biological immortality. Yet, within the instance of success Victor outright rejected his creation as monstrous, a building block for being unworthy of human life. In this paper, I argue that Frankenstein and the idea cloning have a lot in common, because the two topics share pros and cons on behalf of their out coming result.Victor Frankensteins monster compared to cloning takes place without the act of a sexual union between a male and female. In general, cloning is the modern Frankenstein, just like Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus. Prometheus stole fire from the Gods he had taken something that did not belong to the humans and given it to mankind and was fundament wholey p unished for his actions. In the same way, Victor Frankenstein lets his ambition overpower him. Victor took from God what was not his, and created a destructive monster in effect of his pie-eyed desire for creating human life.Human cloning is also a controversial subject stating that humans have no power by Gods to develop life or control death. According to the Human Genome Project, there are three types of cloning DNA, therapeutic, and reproductive cloning. DNA cloning involves transferring DNA from a donor to other organism. Therapeutic cloning, known as embryo cloning which involves harvesting stem cells from human embryos to grow new organs for transplant. Reproductive cloning creates a imitate of the host. Victor Frankenstein created his monster using Reproductive cloning from distinctive body parts of different host organisms.To make his creature, Victor Frankenstein raided grave yards and spent a lot of his time in slaughter houses as well as dissecting rooms to borrow bod y parts from the dead to use for his creature. Cloning in relation to Frankenstein also uses the process of borrowing by obtaining genetic materials from embryos to make identical duplicates. With all the allusions to fire and electricity found throughout the novel, to both pioneer and glimmer give the reader clues as to how Frankenstein used electric currents to stimulate the patched together dead body of his monster. Comparatively, cloning also employs the use of electricity to promote the division of cells also known as life.In the process of stimulating his creation to life, Victor Frankenstein accidentally puts a criminal brain into his monster, consequently skewing the monsters behavior. Cloning is often unsuccessful. According to the Human Genome Project, it takes sometimes 100 attempts to create one successful clone. Frankensteins monster had all components and feelings of a human being, but was not born out of a womans womb and was not sexually produced. The creature was created not in Gods image, but in Victors image.Todays cloning process, like the methods of creating life used by Dr. Frankenstein, arouses a list of morals and ethics from religious viewpoints. Cloning has a lot to do with the desires of man. Frankenstein desired to create life. Desires, otherwise known as temptations in these cases, bring us to a great fault. By taking the place of God, to make their own definition of a person, Frankenstein and the creators of cloning are defying God and going against the word of honors moral standards. In defining life we get a deep look into how Frankenstein and cloning compare. They are very alike in legion(predicate) ways. These things teach us that life and the universe are unknowable, and are not meant to be completely known. We are not meant to become boundless creators. Rather, we are the created created by God.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Elite Essay

It is now that our political leaders and decisions have made up for what they were accounted for and have provided the back-bone of America today. Our government is what establishes Americas decisions. Although virtually consequences mint be made from what their previous aspects were, and how some of the decisions have made distrust in the government from Americans, it is only with said that, Their failure to act, their failure to get up decisions, is itself an act that is often of greater consent ounces than the decisions they do make. Its not necessarily the cause and effect of their decisions, except the act f speaking for America and doing something some the complications that arises within our world and our country to do the best they can to provide security and freedom even though there ar limitations to freedom for security. mill about has stated, The assumption that the security of the nation supposedly rests upon great secrecy of plan and intent. Along with the statem ent, With the wide secrecy covering their operations and decisions, the forcefulness elect(ip) can mask their intentions, operations, and further consolidation. I accept Mills is pointing out the directive of our national security being in the hands of the political officials because the government is the elect(ip) officials of America and has the authority to reach beyond the limits of other exponents. Some may say the military is the elite of America because of the power and figure they portray.One may believe that the military is the most elite because they have more representatives, leaders and followers than those of our political leaders. One may obtain the fact that the military protects and has the secrecy of the unite States in withstanding war power, but this is not accurate concerning the fact that the government has authority over the litanys actions. Mills has stated, The military order, once a slim government activity in a context of distrust fed by State milit ia, has become the largest and most expensive feature of government.. Thus proving my element for elite power containing that the military is not established without the governments control and authority to make decisions for the military. One may believe that corporate has the most elite power over all, but corporations only have financial power not power over the decisions that are made within our country financially. Our political establishments indeed are end by corporate, but they cannot make the decisions nor have the authority to do what the government can.The government tells corporate where to spend their money and what they can spend it on. The decisions of a smattering of corporations bear upon military and political as well as upon economic developments around the world. Mills has stated which is proof along with my statement on economic decisions going through the government before corporate is able to take action on what they are deciding to do. In conclusion politi cal officials are the most elite of the United States today.My opinion is not disregarding the other elite powers Mills has claimed above, but only withstanding that political power is the most elite out of the two other objectives. Nothing can go forward without the governments approval and action to speak for Our country. Military is just a figure of power for the people to obtain a sense of hope and security for our country along with corporate financial aid to help establish what needs to be conquered within our society and to help what decisions the government makes. Everyone knows somebody has got to run the show, and that somebody usually does. (C. Wright Mills)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Governtment Money

In each country, government plays important role in develop their lands by improving the roads, the topical anaesthetic transports, and the school and so on. To do so government has to spend billions of dollars on each project. In my view I speak out that government should spend as much as gold on the basic requirement on the earth rather than spending lot of money on the outer space. First, by increasing the local transport will improve the economic science of the country.Second, by reconsidering the old bridge is the safety for the people life. First, by increasing the number of the local transport will increase the economics of the country by adding the jobs to the people. For example, as I remember, everyday to my work I would engage the car five days a week. I used to spend lot of money on the gas, at the same time my car produces the century mono oxide which is damaging the environment.If government spends money on adding the local transports like local buses, subways, lo cal trains and so on. People start using these transports eventually provided their money, in addition to that government will increases the jobs requirement like maintain ace guys, the engineer, the electrician guy so on. Drastically these while improve the economics of our country, as workers will start paying the tax. As you can see, adding the local transport will increases the jobs and the people start paying the taxes.Finally, government should focus on the old bridges, which had to be reconstructed. for instance, In Washington, they was a collapse of the bridge on the sikgat river, which caused by the heavy track when hit the bridge the concrete of the bridge was chopped off, which leads to collapse of the bridge, thought they was no life- threatening injuries, but still our government has to reconsider the safety of the people.As they are some many bridges just about the nation, which has to be repaired, for that government has to spend ton of dollars. For this reasons I could say that government should spend money wisely thinking about the safety of the people and preventing this smorgasbord of tragedy. In sum, we are the people who elected the government. So government should give first preferences to the basic requirement of the people on the earth, by increasing the local transport and by improving the old bridges which is mandatory.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Do Black People Have Equality with Whit People in the Us in Teh 21st Century?

It was just fifty years ago that racial segregation was one of the defining features of American society. Blacks were forced to exist separately from the rest of America physically, economically, and socially so reducing them to a second- or even third-class status which denied them their basic rights. The famous motor lodge case brown v the board of education, raised aw beness of segregation was the first major step towards change. Education is a basic compulsion for every young person whatever their background is.Due to the influences that slavery has had, public education was only designed for white people. Even though sick children attended schools, these were often deprived, due to the lack of facilities available. Segregation is a form of racial discrimination, keeping black and white people apart. Thousands of people suffered from segregation, whether they were made to consider up their seat on the bus or if they were simply forced to live in certain areas. The lack of e ducation has meant that black people spend a penny no chance for moving up in the world.With poor qualifications, they would have poor jobs prospects, working long hours and being paid next to nothing. Their children have no chance of moving up in the world. They have no chance of attending college let alone university or if they do they are unable to conciliate the tuition fees. The low percent that do manage to go thither, have to work part-time or join the army in order to birth the fees. Poor jobs mean poor housing, which in turn means living in poor neighborhoods resulting in craze due to guns, alcohol, drugs.All this means that there is a higher chance of dying younger. Poor jobs also lead to poverty and a poor diet and bad health. In the 1960s the complaisant rights movement lead by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. fought for the rights of Black people. Both men believed in the same idea that equality was enshrined the constitution that all men are created equal. Howeve r, this was not being implemented. Both men went about achieving this in two different ways. Martin Luther King believed in a peaceful protest, whereas Malcolm X believed that violence was the key.There still isnt enough black representation in the political system. Lack of political representation means that it has been difficult to enforce their rights. To conclude, the bequest of slavery has been the cause of the inequality between black and white people. Despite attempts to improve the lives of black people there has been only limited success . I think that the inequality of which black people suffer, has been caused by slavery. Without slavery having existed, would all men be equal?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Organizational Theory & Research Essay

Organization is a concept used in a variety of ways such as (1) a system or pattern of any set of relationships in any kind of undertaking (2) an go-ahead itself (3) cooperation of two or more than persons (4) all behavior of all participants in a sort out and (5) the intentional structure of roles in a formally make enterprise (Koontz, et. al. , 1980, p. G-11). Organization development is a systematic, integrated, and planned approach to improve the soundness of people and groups in a enterprise through the use of techniques for line discovery and various intervention techniques for solving these problems (Koontz, et. l. , 1980, p. G-11). ace of the key aspects of managing is organizing and it is a skill required of any manager if he or she is to be effective and successful in attaining organizational objectives and effecting change (see Koontz, et. al, 1980, p. 330). Management literature has acknowledged that people tend to cooperate with one another in the face of a crisis b ecause man has learned that it is better to cooperate than to compete with one another.In cooperative activities, goals or objectives are achieved much easier than when individual persons act separately in attempting to achieve a group goal or objective. Organizing involves identifying the right people to involve in the design, development, and implementation of the process of problem identification and problem solving. One requirement of effective organizing is knowledge of the fundamental nature of group dynamics. When two or more people are formed to work on a particular task, they usually undergo certain stages of group development. These are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.During the forming stage, group members tend to be cautious and almost become aware of each news show that each says to others in the storming stage, members become impatient of formalities and tend to express themselves and demonstrate antagonism and sarcasm in the norming stage, memb ers learn to tolerate frustrations and become more acceptable of other members of the group in the performing stage, team members has put aside their differences and concentrate on the objectives of the group, thereby performing to the fullest and achieving their preset goals and objectives in the adjourning stage, group members have achieved their objectives and disbands themselves and return to their home organizations or department.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Son Changed My Life Essay

Before my son had arrived, I was in complete shambles. My life was spiraling down a one way furnish into darkness. I had become everything that I had only wished I wouldnt. I was known as nothing better then white trash. I mentation that I had it all. I was only 17 and I was free. I left home to be with my ex- boyfriend, and I was free No rules, No boundaries, just freedom. I thought life couldnt get any better. Although, as time went on I realized how much I missed my family, and how things were jump to turn exercise in my relationship. We had no money.For weeks, we had nothing. We were living off of our friends who were gracious teeming to take us in. I started doing drugs, and drinking every chance I got. I take items to pawn them for money. Most of the money went twords food, drugs, or alcohol. I was lucky I was underage when I pawned stuff becasue word had gotten around to the cops that it was stolen, and every person who did it was propel in jail. Thankfully, I was only put on probation for 6 months. Things started to look up for a little when my ex and I moved back in with his parents.It was a hell hole, but it was a place to stay without living off other people. We started to hang out with friends every iniquity, driving around the town, drinking, starting fights, just waiting to get in trouble. We didnt realize it at first, but the person we were driving around with was what most would call bi-polar. It only took one night to realize it, and that would be the end of that. We were driving around with this friend when she had gotten so mad at this person, that she circled the occlusive, and tried to hit him with her car.Thankfully we were on the same block as my exs parents, so we called it a night. I was worried that I pregnant in the begining of December, but I didnt take a maternal quality test until 4 days before christmas. I can remember it just like it was yesterday too, I was sitting in a local resturaunt with my friend and I had went i nto the bathroom to take the test. I remember screaming for my friend to come in, and she couldnt beleive it. I took a second test to be deoxycytidine monophosphate% sure, and in deed I was pregnant. We didnt severalise family until Christmas Day.Most of my family was happy for me, but some of them were a little doubtful that I would stop the nonsense I had gotten myself into. And indeed I did. I moved back home with my parents, and I started my life all over again. I was a brand new person, and in less then 8 months, my life was going to change counterbalance more. On August 9, 2006 my son was born. He was the most beautiful baby boy I had even layed eyes on. He was so special, and he had to be sent from heaven. I had moved in with his father in March and we were doing very well.My son had only brought us closer together, and he was our pride and joy. He still is til this day. My son changed my life in many ways. Before he was even here he had changed my life. I realized that I had to grow up and be a better person. I wasnt just going to be taking care of myself, but a baby too. I had be responsible. I had to be the best mother I could possibly be. After he arrived, I realized that I wouldnt have to sit around and think about alcohol or drugs, and wish to do them.My son kept me occupied enough for me to understand that there was more to life then drugs and alcohol, that there was more to it then having freedom. It wasnt about me anymore, It was about my family, and I would do anything for them. My son was my lifesaver. I tell him everyday that he is an angel. I just hope that when hes old enough, hell understand exactly why he is my angel. He sullen my life upside down, which in reality, had turned me back to the person I was supposed to be.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Child obesity Essay

child obesity is a serious epidemic in America. One in every three kids in America is obese. Michelle Obama speaks at the rig of the Lets Move campaign. In front of cabinet member, senators, representatives and mayors, she discusses the campaigns plans to fight obesity in America. Our best effort should be deployed to stop this epidemic that degrades the lives and coming(prenominal) of our children by arming p arents with the tools they need, equipping our initiate systems with healthier foods, making healthier foods available for our communities, and getting our kids to exercise more. Ms. Obama understands that not all parents have the necessary tools to top the right choices for their children.Even if the parents read a label on a food item, they may not understand what it means. The Task durability on Child Obesity movement will sustain to make food labels consumer friendly so parents can make better choices when buying food. The Task Force on Child Obesity will also hel p parents understand that they are responsible for building healthy habits in their kids, such as exercise . However, when the kids are at school the parents cannot control everything their children eat.Our schools do not serve healthy foods to our kids. Twice a day out kids eat unhealthy meals served at the schools. Ms. Obama say If our kids are not getting adequate nutrition, even the best teachers will not be able to teach them effectively(Obama 331). The kids need more fruits and vegetables in their diet. The Child Nutrition Act would give our school healthier standards. It would replace empty calorie meals with more fruits and vegetables, the fruits and vegetables they need for effective learning and brain functions. If the school are feeding our children unhealthy foods twice a day, it would undo the healthy eating habits learned at home. Once our schools begin to serve the healthy foods our kids need, the adjoining step would be to ensure the parents have access to healthy food choices and not just fast food restaurants. non all neighborhoods have grocery stores nearby to supply the community with healthy foods. If we invest 400 million dollars to build grocery stores around the country, we could eliminate food deserts in our communities. Not only will it give the parents a healthier choice over fast food restaurants, but it will also create jobs. Once the children are getting the nutrition they require, at home and at school, the last step is to get them to exercise more. Motivating our kids to exercisecan be done in various ways. Giving more Presidential Active Lifestyle Awards to kids who complete a specific exercise program is a great start. Hiring NFL, WMBA and other skipper athletes is another way we will motivate our children to get more exercise. Child obesity is destroying the future of our children, but Ms. Obama outlines how we can stop it.By initiating the Task Force on Child Obesity , upgrading cafeteria food in schools, eliminating fo od deserts, and motivating out kids to exercise we can stop this growing epidemic . Ms. Obama effectively communicates her concerns and solutions in her speech. She also gives great examples as to why the parents are not always aware to the problem or may not have the options to help the situation. Although her intentions are well placed, Im not convinced that her approach to solving child obesity is the most effective. Something should be done and if nothing else is existence done about the obesity problem at least this will raise awareness.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Who is the real Alcibiades?

According to Gribble (1999) Alcibiades is mavin of the most famous political commonwealth from Greece in the ancient history who came from a one of the hefty families in the ancient Hellenic.He is said to have been a very courageous man, ambitious but all the same with bad morals Apart from being an active person in the political issues he was besides talented in giving good speeches an art that he was taught by one of his great teachers who at that quantify was the Socrates.His life in politicsAlcibiades started his career in politics during the time of a fight called the Peloponnesian war that involved the people of Sparta and Greece. In this war Alcibiades with his ambitions wanted to lead the army to continue fighting so that Greek would win over the Spartans because there were signs that the war was ending.Nicias who was representing and commanding the army in Greek had entered into peace deals with the people of Sparta. So one day some people from Sparta were sent to Athens the metropolis of Greece to deliver a message of peace to the people of Greece going specifically through Nicias Gribble (1999).As discussed in Gribble (1999) trance they were there Alcibiades through his sweet talk managed to convince them to oppose the idea of having peace between the deuce regions as it would only benefit Nicias. By doing all this he undermined the lying-ins of Athens and Sparta of wanting to make peace with the Spartans by giving monstrous information to the people who had been sent from Sparta to negotiate with Nicias.Following the information that Sparta the war resumed with the people of Athens blaming Nicias who latter on lost political trust among the people of Athens and in effort to ensure that they maintained their powerful status that Greek was holding in the society they appointed Alcibiades to be the commanding officer of their army starting a political career that led him to problems until his death at a war while he was still a commander .The other wars that he in participated in allow in the war against the Abydos, Chalydon and other wars that were come forthside the city of Athens in which his strategies were said to have succeeded in screen background the enemies against the Athenians.Roles he playedAs summarized in Gribble (1999) at the time he was the commander Alcibiades made so umteen enemies because of this clothing of changing political stands and taking actions that cost the lives of people and some of his actions were considered not to be moral in the society.This was seen when at the start of his political life he led campaigns that were portraying Athenians as people who were so aggressive in using their power during the Peloponnesian war. He had used the Sparta people to achieve his avow intentions in that manner made friends with them since they thought of him as being their true friend.In addition to that Gribble (1999) at the time Athens went to war with Sicily he was accused of disobeying the rules that had been set by the army and disobeying the other rulers which made the enemies in Athens wanting to kill him.He then ran to Sparta and from there he again incited the Spartan against the Athenians in the war that came afterwards. As an adviser to the Spartans he made them to withdraw the support that they were giving in aid for war that had just ended in Athens getting their support.Gribble (1999) he then went back to Athens by promising the people of Athens that he would facilitate a process that would ensure they get a new constitution. He also promised to take riches to them from Sparta and with all the sincerity they accepted him back. After he was taken back the military gave him a big position where he planned to undermine the commander by spreading information that the Athens military had persuaded him to return so as to bring tack when he failed to fulfill his promises.How he looked as a traitorThrough all the actions that he led Alcibiades was always seen inci ting many people who were against Athens. He used to draw the attention of those people by luring them through talks, using money, false promises among other favors.This made Greece to face a tough time in dealing with its enemies as stipulation that there was someone like Alcibiades who had most of the information about Greece many of their war secrets were give out making them to be more cautious on the strategies that they were using. By doing all this evil deeds at the last minute he was disowned by the people when the war ended and he was left to the enemies who killed him Gribble (1999).

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nature and Culture in Wuthering Heights Essay

In Wuthering Heights there is a clear battle between pitying nature, and the attempt to control it with civilization and farming. The conflict between nature and culture which is a part of the thematic structure of this novel is presented in the relationship between two residences Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange as well as its inhabitants. Wuthering Heights represents the foolishness of nature, passion and life, where as Thrushcross Grange stands for a refined way of life, civility and culture.Wild, dark and cryptical port of Wuthering Heights is a symbolic of its inhabitants. Heathcliff a distinct member of Earnshaw family symbolizes the antic and natural forces which ofttimes appear to be amoral and dangerous for society. And Catherine a representative member of Earnshaw family may be a endearing charming girl, however is rarely as civilized as she pretends to be. In her heart she is always that wild girl playing in moors with Heathcliff. On the other hand Thrushcro sss positive and comforting appearance is a symbolic of its inhabitants who grew in a pleasant way of living. The Linton family in contrast to the Earnshaw , are withal cultured and refined.Edgar Linton in contrast to Heathcliff is an educated, refined, noble man.In the novel the setting and weather reflect the humour of the characters and their actions.The environment in which they live is another way to understand the conflict between nature and culture in this novel.Wuthering Heights first appears in a stormy ,coldness and dark scene.The Heights have wild, airy moors, and its inhabitants possess the same characteristics. Opposite to this is often the calm, orderly parks of the Grange and its refined inhabitants.Thrushcross Grange is located in the vale with none of the features that appear in Wuthering Heights.The characters at the Heights are more at home impertinent in the moors, while those at the Grange pass the time with quiet, solitary endeavors such as reading.Wutherin g Heights is tie in to aggression and violence both through thestormy weather as well as its inhabitants. Where as Thrushcross embodies comfort and civilization protected against the violence and stormy moors.In this novel Emelie Bronte points out the problems with both wild and egocentric ways which might be natural to human kind, and the extremely secured ways of the elite mannikin of the Victorian world. It is this exciting and thought-provoking theme that sets this novel aside from many other Gothic novels of its time.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology (M1 and D1) Essay

How free energy is officed in the Body (M1)We get chemical energy from food we eat and oxygen that we let loose we need this to get energy into a usable form to be apply by the cells Glucose + group O - Carbon Dioxide + Water(C6H12O6) (O2) Metabolism (carbonic acid gas) (H2O) (1C6H12O6) (6O2) In Cells (6CO2) (6H20)Metabolism is the process of getting chemical energy from bigger molecules in food and breaking them down into smaller molecules by the use of enzymes (which argon biological catalysts that are used to speed up a chemical reactions), the circulative corpse then transports the nutrients to the cells. Theyre dickens types of metabolism which are Catabolism (Aerobic Metabolism) and Anabolism (Anaerobic Metabolism). Catabolism (Aerobic Metabolism) occurs when there is plentiful supply of glucose and oxygen for the cells to use for cellular respiration (Aerobic Respiration happens eventually with the mitochondria in the cells producing A.T.P-Adenosine Triphosphate). Anab olism (Anaerobic Metabolism) will occurs after vigorous figure when demand for glucose and oxygen cannot be met by the body, cells then breakdown proteins to produce energy. This occurs after the body has used up stored glucose called glycogen from the liver. The bi product of this reaction creates lactic acid this builds up in muscles and so forth gives you crampHow the Respiratory and Circulatory System Work Together to Control Metabolism (D1)The face in the circulatory system pumps rail line into the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. The blood is then returned to the heart and the newly oxygenated blood is circulated to the rest of the body. The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases blow dioxide from the body and bring downs in oxygen. This occurs in the respiratory and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used midland respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) forenergy, thus crea ting more carbon dioxide. The circulatory bring the oxygen the lungs take in around the body and bring the carbon dioxide back for the lungs to expel. The lungs bring oxygen into the blood which feeds the heart and the rest of the body.Homeostasis which is the maintenance of internal body condition. The circulatory system maintains homeostasis by transporting nutrients to every cell of the body, carrying away waste products and the pH of blood (blood pH should be 7.2 Slightly Alkaline to much CO2 blood becomes 6.8 Slightly Acidic). The respiratory system maintains homeostasis as it is responsible for bringing in oxygen ( which is then coordinated into the circulatory system and brought to cells in need) and bringing out carbon dioxide (cell waste) (which is brought from the circulatory system to the respiratory system to leave the body)

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 35

Letter 6-December 13, 2006Dear Pat,Im sorry your childhood hero committed suicide. Im sorry McNabb was injured. And I am especially sad to hear that your father is still allowing the results of football games to govern the relationships he has with his fast family. Your poor, poor mother.Your decision to reveal your healers views regarding Tiffany made for an awkward phone conversation. It is obvious that Tiffany cares for you enough to put unitedly this exchange of letters. I hope you exit protect her legally by refraining from discussing the arrangement further with your therapist or anyone else. You do realize that by showing Cliff my letters, you have put me in a precarious legal position. I am not allowed to make contact with you by law, remember? So this will be my last letter. Sorry.Regarding Holden Caulfield and the gold ring Phoebe reaches for at the end of the novel, please dont cogitate of me as your golden ring. I am your ex-wife. I worry you well, but your therapis t was right to recount we are incompatible.I can see clearly we are not moving toward closure, which makes me regret possibility up this dialogue. My only hope is that someday after you have stabilized your mental health you will take comfort in the fact that I reached out to you after all that happened. I wish you well in this world, Pat.Goodbye.Nikki

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Descartes and Plato Essay

Explain both of descartes Arguments for the creative activity of God Descartes verification of Gods existence comes from his third meditation and is found on three radicals. He argues that ignorant idea exists within us, the fictitious or invented ideas ar a result of our own imagination and adventitious ideas result from our experiences in the world. Descartes said, the idea of God is innate and can non be invented. Descartes presents some railway lines that lead to his conclusion.The first argument is that nonhing can result to something and the cause of an idea will always progress to a evening gown reality because the idea must have an objective reality. He argues that if an individual have God, then the idea has an infinite objective reality and therefore, the individual cannot be the cause of the idea, because he is not infinite or a perfect being or he doesnt have enough formal reality. Its only a perfect and infinite being who can be the cause of the idea. Therefor e, God as an infinite reality must exist. A perfect being, is benevolent and good implying that God is benevolent and would not deceive or allow making errors without giving a way of correcting the errors.The second argument Descartes gives is based on the premise that I exist, and my existence must have a cause. He gives the only thinkable causes are my existence, existence of something less perfect than God and existence of God. Out of this Descartes argues that if I had created myself, I would have created myself perfect and that if my existence have a cause, then it doesnt solve the problem. If Im not an independent being, then I would need the sustenance of another being. And that the perfection in me could not acquire from a less perfect being.Therefore God exists. Descartes second proof of Gods existence is based on the fifth meditation on essence of material objects and its called the ontological argument. Descartes identifies remote objects that can either be distinct an d clear or obscure and confused. Descartes argues that without any sure friendship of existence of a supreme and perfect being it would be impossible to have any authorization of any truth. Descartes defined God as an infinitely perfect being and that perfection will embarrass existence. Meaning therefore, God exists.Explain the Allegory of the Cave and relate it to Platos metaphysical and epistemological theory The fiction of weaken is about pris geniusrs who have spent their lives chained to the wall of a cave and facing the wall. The prisoners are watching shadows cast on the wall by objects passing in front of the fire fuck them, and they start to attribute the forms of these shadows. It is a figurative show of how a man is trapped in the incantation of material existence and how he can free himself from such trappings by philosophical thoughts of personalised and social awareness through constant self examination.These shadows are the close the prisoners can get to rea lity. When the one who actually is able to free himself from the cave, returns back to the cave to tell his fellow man about the world outside the cave he is ridiculed for his free thoughts by the ones not knowing the real truth yet. Thats how a philosopher feels, he is like the prisoner who has freed himself from the cave and realizes that shadows on the wall are not the reality of things in life but merely shadows.This allegory of the cave is related to Platos theory of Metaphysics and Epistemology. Seen as an epistemological account, it attempts to determine the importance of ideas which we can only comprehend through reason resulting from our experiences from the physical world. The allegory of the cave is a philosophers effort to enlighten the society which can be seen as prisoners, imprisoned by their dark ignorance. The cave could represent our daily experiences and how we always accept the dictates of the society without questioning them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 13

Art History - Essay Example vanguard Gogh has preference of background outdoors coupled with the fascination of the night sky as social occasion of the favourite subjects.One outstanding element of the photo Starry Night over the Rhone is gas illuminate that reflect off the elements of water through several strolls nearby. All this is neatly done in the paintings foreground. The work is a revelation of the skys marvellous colours coupled with the scenes reflections as well as the striking contrast of the artificial stars and the gas natural beauty lights. Street lanterns across the edge of the Rhone in the watershed provide sufficient lighting enabling forefront Gogh fully to paint from observation direct. Van Gogh manipulated such reality into certain levels as a way of creating an impressive firmament. Through this view, the Arles town lay in the southwest while the undischarged Bear constellation painted within the sky is in the north.The media used by the artist intromit oil on canvas as well as the technique of weeping and broad wipe strokes. In various letters to Wilhelmina, his sister, Gogh observed that this was aimed at painting starry sky. The display appears to be that the night is still richly coloured as compared to the day. It has hues from the intense greens, violets, and blues. If one pays attention to the painting, it is easy to tell that a number of stars are lemon-yellow while others are blue or pink and green brilliance. Without expatiating on the theme, it becomes clearer that the little white dots put on blue-black are not sufficient in painting starry skies. Some hold the belief that there are hidden images that depict the Gate to paradise while two coffins in its front seem relevant to his religious foundations.Van Gogh sedulous the expressive and symbolic colour values to express emotions within the scope of reproduction for visual light, atmosphere, or appearances. Van Gogh also went on to paint the night sky immensely hang ing on

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp Essay

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp. 174-214 written by Yves Congar. I mean only this part fro - strain ExampleAnselm decided that the Greeks and Latins were on the same page when it came time to discuss Trinitarian doctrines. Augustine stated that the Greeks believed in unmatched essence and three essences while the Latin people believed in one essence or substance brings three persons. Augustine stated that the difference is only in the wording, however, Abelard believed that this difference was crucial in deciding how intimately the Greeks practiced their faith. Abelard stated that hypostasis was a dangerous word to Jerome. There had been a problem in the way that Greeks followed the doctrines on the Holy Spirit according to the non-Greek religious leaders. These non-Greek religious leaders felt it unsurmountable that the Greeks were genuine when their vocabulary was inappropriate. They believed that the Greeks did not practice in the right way sin ce the vocabulary they used tended to be so radically different, that it was impossible that they followed the right path. The non-Greek religious groups felt that this was only a vocabulary egression and that they did still believe in the Holy Spirit in the right way, however, it was too difficult to animadvert that if there is a vocabulary error, there must also be a method in practicing faith error as well. During Anselms time, it was believed that most of the doctrines were in agreement mingled with the Latin people and the Greeks. language seemed to be the only problems encountered by Anselms opinion of how the Greeks practiced. Thomas believed that the wording was incredibly different but the meanings were intimately the same. The Greeks deny the procession of the Holy Spirit a Filio, however they concede it in its antecedent. This problem has lasted since the course of instruction 325 and it is now the fourteenth century. This dispute is quite strong still by the fourte enth century and no conclusions have yet been made most whether the Greeks and Latins can come to an agreement of how they practice their faith. Alexander Hales came up with his own opinion and his comments about how the Latins and Greeks differ are as follows Augustine (Latin leader at the time) considered the inner construction of the spirit and therefore maintained that it was from the mens that the cogitatio or word proceeded and the latter was followed by the spiration of the affectus. The Damascene (Greek leader at the time), on the other hand, considered the external word so that the point of departure was the intellect, followed by the word, which emerged as a word with a breath, which was connected in an immediate way to the intellect. The spirit, then, was Spiritus Verbi, non a Verbo. Alexander believed that these were the opposing views between the Latins and the Greeks of how the word and the Holy Spirit were related. Bonaventure was a commentator and he came up with a n interesting perspective about this controversial debate. The low part is the fact that some(prenominal) the Greeks and the Latins agreed on the aspects of faith in cleric revelation found in the scriptures. The second part is concerning the fact that the Greeks and Latins differ in their viewpoints on categories and terminology. The trio and final aspect is that of the teaching in a formula which led to the controversy in the first place. He actually figured out where the similarities and differences were and wrote them out to help clear this debate once and for all. The items they both agreed on are as follows the scriptural basis of the procession and the spirit belongs to the son and is displace by the son. The Latins

Monday, May 13, 2019

Leadership for Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership for Health - Essay ExampleHealth carry off industry should be among the most excellently managed industries globally. Leaders in the health compassionate industry should acquaint with the most hard-hitting leading paths and strategies from successful institutions and organisations in applying them for promoting their own. Some of the variably admired traits that nursing leaders should possess embarrass the ability to inspire, exhibit honesty, intelligence, competence and visionary. The four lead styles that demonstrate the ideals of moral leaders include transformational, evidence- base, authentic and servant leadership. Transformational leaders are charismatic and act as role models to their followers. This is because they languish to inspire autonomy as well as promote servant leadership (Nielsen, Yarker, Brenner, Randall and Borg, 2008). They motivate nurses to get in problem solving strategies, team solve in decision making procedures and personal lord deve lopment through strategies such as coaching and mentoring. According to Leach (2005), application of transformational leadership style enhances the act of communicating organisational or professional mission, vision and goals. Shirley (2006) posits that authentic leadership is practised by individuals connected to personal core values, compassionate leadership as well as understanding their own sensory faculty of purpose. Authentic leaders possess profound integrity and have abundant sense of personal judgment of conviction in matters related to personal beliefs and values. Authentic leaders are appropriate for managing and overseeing the nursing units and departments dealing with the assist of old people because their high level of awareness enables them to advise and lead their followers accordingly. Servant leadership is a product of the possession... This paper approves that there is no doubt that health care leadership is at stake. Any health organisation that is mindful of the future should prioritise the tradition of perfect leadership. Improving leadership will involve training the new leaders on effective application of the new applied science and instilling the required leadership capabilities. Leaders in the health sector should learn the most effective methods of management in order to promote the industry into the greater heights. Leaders should ensure that the context and invention in which nursing care is provided is appropriate for improved care. Some of the strategies that enhance improved care include appropriate mixing of skills, creation of the systems that facilitates shared decision making, facilitating staff relationships and establishment of systems that are supportive to the work forceThis report makes a conclusion that technical practice development approaches are short shape and normally focused on the results rather than the strategies used in the achievement of those results. This approach is task based and specific to the pr oject e.g. the inclusion of a new policy in nursing practice or acquiring new skills and competencies. However, this approach is currently ineffective because it involves the application of contemporary top-to-down approach of implementing change. The best healing(predicate) to the technical approach is the emancipatory practice development. Application of this strategy by the nurses involves focusing on the practices that improves health care practice through the development of sustainability and person centred cultures.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The principle of party autonomy and the applicable law are playing Assignment

The principle of party autonomy and the applicable law ar playing different but interrelated roles in inter solid groundal commercial arbitration. Critically evaluate this narrative - Assignment ExampleHowever, this tradition today fails to hold all weight given the numerous contradictions arising from facts. The near prominent facts arise from the European Commission laws goal of establishing an integrated commercialise at heart the European territory. The aim was to have goods move freely between member states as a steering of facilitating production efficiency through allowing direct competition amongst producers in the member states. Such an economic locomote totally or partially makes the private law of any nation irrelevant. In addition, a nations legal rule for the members are subject to internal market edification provided they belong to any branch of the summa division between public and private rules. However, the edification of an integrated European market inward ly the European territory is contradicted by the diversity of legal systems in different nations that affect the costs of merchandising within their national public law rules and selling to other member states. The result of such alterations is battle of laws, and with this realization, todays scholarly writing recognize and focuses mandatory international laws absent in consequence laws, international conventions, and national statutes. Through mandatory international laws in resolution of conflict, there is no indispensability to apply courts to any given disputes provided conflicts fall within such scope and without dictating the application of a abroad governing law. However, regardless of the emphasis on the purpose of forum rules in conflict of laws, the result is the weaken of their status due to widening opportunities for evasion by private operators. This weakened status of forum laws in conflict of laws is due to competition between legal systems that comes as a by-pr oduct of national market interconnectedness and cross-border trade liberalization and augmented function of party autonomy that accompany them (Muir-Watt & Brozolo, 2004). Consequently, the capacity of participants in

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Methodology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology - Research Paper ExampleThe second strain of the research bequeath involve collection of qualitative data seeking to establish the existing barriers in the context of cognition sharing within the university environment. The research seeks to examine communication barriers and the impact of these barriers on knowledge sharing. Qualitative methods result be utilised in collection of learning regarding the impact of the barriers on the information flow. Secondary sources of information will be utilised in the collection of qualitative data. The elements organism researched will be effectively understood through collection of both qualitative and three-figure data. This remains the aboriginal advantage for the utilisation of mixed methods in conducting research. The utilisation of mixed methods enables researchers to gain pragmatic perspectives towards understanding the elements being researched(Creswell & Clark, 2007).Data collection within the research will be conduct ed through two fundamental approaches, which will enable the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. The utilisation of interviews will provide the research with a platform for communicating directly with the participants and collect essential information for the research findings. The interviews will be conducted in different locations according to the requirements of the participants. Interviews are essential in providing primary information regarding the qualitative data inevitable within the research(Cozby & Bates, 2012). The interviews will be utilised in the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data, essential for the research. The interviews will follow a structured approach in which the researchers will utilise indite questions in data collection.The researchers will also utilise questionnaires in seeking to reach individuals from remote locations, who cannot be reached

Friday, May 10, 2019

Increased GDP and Poverty Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Increased GDP and indigence - Movie Review ExampleIn essence, the elite and the rich have continued to impose their pass on along with other shares that have caused poverty. The cheap labor poses to be a problem because it does not bring home the bacon families to be self-sufficient. Copenhagen was transformed through increase GDP and poverty. The video states that many businesses are keen on increasing their value and equity as organizations in commerce have cut costs and increased winnings margins. Furthermore, banks have increased their capital in a hefty way by paying off cash. It is clear that businesses have cut costs, built up cash and enjoyed historically large profit margins, which is a huge element for the US Economy. Additionally, banks have reinforced their capital and are able to deepen into solid liquidity. Households have reduced debt loadssome by walking away from them, others by paying them off. Many have locked in low interest rates on mortgages. Due to unem ployment rates declining, consumer spending as mentioned in this article has slowly been increasing since the fiscal year started. That is a positive element undoubtedly because it stimulates the economy. Rectifying unemployment is the first solution that is the contributing element of a healthy.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The role of divorce and single-parenting in creating poverty among Essay

The role of divorce and single-p arenting in creating poverty among children - Essay ExampleThe task of deciding how to engage fathers with their families is primarily under the purview of the provinces. well-nigh provinces offer classes, mediation, and information for fathers and mothers on how fathers can maintain contact and be a positive enamour in the lives of their children even after a divorce. Most provinces also offer such things as psychological health services for children of separated or divorced parents. Although unstated, the policy of some provinces seems to be to try to halt the father mentally and physically involved with children even if they are not married or in a relationship with the mother. Unfortunately, the services offered to fathers seem to be almost an after-thought. Especially given the uphill employment unwed fathers face in the Divorce Act. The primary target of the various departments is the single mother. Like most social welfare programs, the target of these policies is pitiful families. The Divorce Act complicates the relationship of poor faterhs with their children because poor fathers are more likely not able to meet the demands of their divorce or child- raise decrees. At the same time, go not having a father affects all children, the results are especially damaging when the mother is poor. Similarly, tax benefits and allowances at the national and local levels (e.g. Canada Child Tax Benefit and national Child Benefit Supplement) are altogether for the primary custody holder of the child. Meaning that although he is financially responsible for his children, fathers, even the very poor fathers, do not receive any support in trying to care for their child. This paper give show that while these efforts at salty fathers are good and noble, the programs dont go far enough in encouraging parental involvement or assiting fathers who want to do the right thing for their children. Furthermore, those policies that try to throw out fathers to be more involved with their children are targeted primarily toward poor families, when in fact children of all sparing classes would benefit from having fathers who better knew how to parent. MethodIn order to figure out provincial policies on educating and engaging fathers in the parenting process, I looked at reports published by various local governments. I also looked at what services were available to parents and specifically to fathers and to divorcing or separated families. There is a large amount of writings in the journals on the role of fathers in contributing to or helping to eliminate child poverty. The literature nearly universally agrees that the financial and parental contributions of a father are one of the most sound ways or reducing the number of children in poverty. Some of the literature is strongly in support of marriage, suggesting that the way to bring down the numbers of children living in poverty, it would be best to encourage unmarri ed mothers to marry and to help couples that are married stay that way. Others suggest that it would be far better to memorise fathers how to be good parents and to provide them with support so that they can help provide for their families whether or not they live with them. The governments seem to take this line. While many of the provinces offer some sort of marriage counseling, the big majority of the services offered do not take into account whether or not the parents are married.Issues communicate by the PolicyThe primary issue addressed by

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Keynesian Economic Policies before and after 1970 Coursework

Keynesian Economic Policies before and after 1970 - Coursework ExampleFriedman suggested that governments have a central bank monetary policy whose main aim would be to sustain the equilibrium of get and supply of specie in the economy. As opposed to the Keynesian economics which mainly focused on value stability of a countrys currency and the panic resulting from insufficient supply of specie that lead to alternate currency and collapse, Friedman and his monetary policy focused on stability of prices as a result of the equilibrium between funds supply and the affect of money (Lipsey and Chrystal, 2007). The Keynesian economic principles henpecked the macroeconomic world in the 19th century in to the early 20th century, in a period characterized by the rise of capitalism. This period is referred to as the Golden Age of capitalism. The golden age of capitalism, led by The US and other Western economic powers especially after the realism War II, (from 1945 to middle 1970s) saw the rise of capitalist nations in to major economic regions of the world. Keynesian Economic Policies A overriding economic principle in the 1930s and during the Great economic depression was that the economy would recover by itself without any interventions from the government. A British Economist, Keynesian, then suggested that governments should increase their spending and cut taxes so as to touch on their economies during the depression (Eatwell and Millgate, 2011). Without government intervention, he argued that the economy would be greatly unnatural by high unemployment judge and would never recover. In his opinion, increasing government spending during an economic downturn would help to boost charter, as well as setting off the chain of the chain of demand by suppliers and workers whose incomes would have been affected by the increased expenditure by the government. Reducing the tax burden would also enable battalion to have more disposable income, which would help to boost demand in the economy. He also contended that the roughly appropriate fiscal policy in periods of high unemployment is to run a deficit budget (Eatwell and Millgate, 2011). Keynesians ideas were largely ignored by both the British and the US Governments at the time, until after the World War II (Eatwell and Millgate, 2011). After the war, Keynesians principles of a fiscal policy, government involvement in spending and eluding taxes with the aim of maintaining employment rates became the center of attraction in macroeconomics, both in the debate of topic economic policies as well as in research. In the US, the Employment Act (1946) helped the government to stir up using Keynesians economic principles to regulate its economy and improve the employment rate. Application of Keynesian principles saw governments regain economic stability throughout the 1950s and 1960s as they recovered from the economic depression. The Keynesian economic theory was based on the principle of a ci rcular flow of money in the economy (Eatwell and Millgate, 2011). This implies that when one person spends money, kit results in another person earning money. This would then raises the demand of the later, leading him to also spend the money and through buying of goods and services, leading to another person earning the money and so forth. According to Keynes, it is this circular flow of money that enables economies to function well. According to the Keynesian Theory, the aggregate demand created by

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Creating Balanced Budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creating Balanced Budget - Assignment ExampleIf the taxes argon increased, then there depart be inflated figures and the imbalance will continue being experienced. One of the ways of implementing this step is that all federal expenditure saves for the payments on the debts need to be frozen to lower levels such as less than 10% of the preceding year (Smith & Hou, 2013). Therefore, reduction of the expenditure as described is deemed the best method of reducing the ostracise balances in the budget. Areas Requiring Increase and DecreaseFrom an analytical perspective, the greatest problem in the budget starts at the point where expenditures are mentioned. In this case, all the values, both revised and actual are negative (Heun, 2014). That means that this is the section that require to be seriously trimmed. Strict balanced budget requirements need to be instituted so that excess outlay is restrained as much as possible. Consider the total expenditure for the year 2013 operating at - 3803.30. It means much of the expenditure was borrowed and this creates more debt year after year which is not good for the future tense of the country and the citizens. This is realised through the government having a specified rate of expenditure for every department listed in the budget. If 10% cut is imposed on all sections, then it means that all the expenses will be cut by the same rate (Smith & Hou, 2013). The other section that needs to be looked at is the revenues section. In this case, it is worth noting that the entire revenue section depends on taxes and duties.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Should Military Personnel Receive Extra Rights GP week 2 Essay

Should Military Personnel Receive Extra Rights GP week 2 - Essay ExampleAs a result, the forces should not be whatsoever different from courtlyians in their rights, including drinking, if the crimes in our society are to be prevented and punished.Soldiers render almost the same civil rights as civilians. The Congress passed civil rights laws ensuring that soldiers civil rights are no different from those of civilians. Moreover, as any civilian, a soldier is entitled to an attorney, marriage, voting, inheritance and several other rights. However, unlike civilians, soldiers are not allowed to run for office, be it partisan or nonpartisan, especially if it conflicts with their duties (, 2012).There are arguments that soldiers should in fact have more rights. They have more duties. As a result, one could argue that soldiers too could be allotted some additional rights. In 2010, there was a discussion in the Congress that drinking age should be returned to 18 for s oldiers. The argument was that if they are considered adults enough to die for their country, then they can be adults with a beer in their devote too, regardless of the fact that alcohol caused over 25,000 deaths in 2009 (Bishop, 2010 Kochanek et al., 2011, p.11). The bill was rejected.Historically, there was a way for soldiers to blend immune in front of the court martial. Such example was in Hirshberg v. Cooke (1949), where a soldier was in captivity by the Japanese (Everett, 1960, p.373). He was released, discharged from the Navy and then reenlisted the following day (Everett, 1960, p.373). However, when his crimes against other captives were discovered, the court martial could not try him under another enlistment. He was set free. Another essential case is of two Special Forces units who murdered and disposed of a third member (Everett, 1960, p.373). They were out of the military when their crimes were discovered. However, civilian courts could not try them, and since

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Do you need decoration to create a pleasing environment PowerPoint Presentation

Do you need decoration to create a pleasing environment - PowerPoint Presentation good exampleThe modern movement was largely against the substance abuse of goods and services of heavy decorations in architecture and regarded it as unnecessary and a waste of labor by many.However, this is in fact not true. There are numerous historic evidences which point to the contrary, i.e. decoration or the use of decorative elements in architecture has more to offer than an nub pleasing environment. As opposed to the use of structural elements such as stones, trees and ponds, decorative elements or artifacts tote up a human touch to a natural scene, where most of them are known to have useful use. For instance lanterns which were extensively used as decorative elements could be used to light pathways in gardens and the pissing basins used in gardens could alternatively be used for purification prior to a tea solemnity and artifacts such as the Buddhist statues and miniature pagodas carri ed sacred inscriptions.The new Brazilian architecture (Figure 3) for example, is known for the use of such decorative elements as the glazed tiles and granite blocks of colonial art. However, besides acting as decoration, the extensive use of such materials as, tiles and granite has proved to be an excellent alternative for protection of the exterior of the buildings against rain and sun, where no early(a) material could withhold it, especially in buildings near the sea.Where modernist architects considered the post modernist architecture as vulgar and henpecked by heavy decorations, the post modernist architects on the other hand regarded the modernist architecture as mundane and lacking(p) in tasteThe Piazza of the Campidoglio in Rome is known for its perfect synchronization on an inlaid pavement. The artistic creation and patterns used helps in creating a stunning contrast between the buildings. Although the architecture, might be regarded as lacking in structural relevance it does

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Assess the importance of Kerensky, Trotsky and Lenin in the outcome of Essay - 1

Assess the importance of Kerensky, Trotsky and Lenin in the event of the February and October revolutions of 1917 - Essay Example12). In 1912, Kerensky was elected to become a member of the Fourth Duma in which he represented the Trudoviks. Kerensky was an active member in both camps of the Petrograd Soviet and the conditional government. It is worth noting that initially he was used as a bridge between the two principal bodies. During his time in the provisional government, he was the minister for justice, struggle, and became the prime minister later in his career (Acton, Cherniaev, & Rosenberg, 1997, p. 56).On the other hand, Lenin believed that Kerensky was not taking the Russians to the right direction and as a result, he used the Bolshevistic party to quest for the people in a revolution. The Russians were against the First World War and they thought that the Tsars were not fighting for their rights. When Lenin got the get a line of the government, he became more tyrannic al than any other ruler in the history of Russia. This is despite the situation that the Russians believed that Lenin would fight for the rights of the common citizen (Kennan, 1989, p. 194).Strikes, food riots and the ensuing war made Russia ungovernable. When Lenin arrived by train from Switzerland, he was against the war and could not stomach Kerensky because he thought that he was not for reforms. Lenin mobilized the people and especially the army by promising them economic reforms and ending the war. Leon Trotsky was born by the name of Lev Davidovich Bronshtein and he initially supported Meshevik Internationalists. precedent to October Revolution, which occurred in 1917, he had joined the Bolshevik Party. He went ahead and became a prominent leader of the Bolshevik party. Despite the fact that he supported people and workers, he was later removed from power by the rise of Josef Stalin.By the time the February Revolution erupted during 1917 spring, Kerensky was among the most vocal leaders for the revolution. The fact that he was an

Friday, May 3, 2019

Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

cover - Assignment ExampleIf they are actively involved in the planning process they go away be more open to allocating resources and providing accurate time forecasts. Employees also need to feel like they will non be subject to punitive measures if time frames are not met (provided that this is not a perennial problem) or else they (or their managers) can unnecessarily extend the projected amount of time required to complete a task.A functional company that wants to shift from an adversarial culture to one that is supportive and interactive should take several factors into consideration. First, it should produce by creating a corporate wide strategy that aims at uniting and inspiring employees (Pinto 58). Next, they should establish a reward/punishment framework that matches that strategy. Finally, they will have to develop clear policies founded on lines of leadership and communication. This will facilitate fast and efficient decision

Thursday, May 2, 2019

M6 discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M6 discussion - Assignment Exampleequired (examining whole community get out take much more time than a assay), budget is limited (cost of examining few individuals will be low as compared to whole population), or sensitive information (such as sexual harassment in a lifesize organization) is visitd.A population counterbalance may be appropriate to use when population is small, required sample size is close to population, database already exists (if the data are on disk, we stick out examine 100% of the cases), or there is a legal requirement (The 2010 decennial population census).The large sample pledge interval is a range (or an interval) of values used to estimate the population characteristic. The interval is estimated using sample data. A confidence interval is associated with a confidence level (such as 95% or 99%) that gives us the success rate of the procedure used to construct the confidence interval. The confidence level is the chance that the confidence interval a ctually does contain the population characteristic, assuming that the estimation process is repeated large number of times. A large sample confidence interval can be constructed for a angiotensin-converting enzyme proportion or for a difference in proportions.The large sample confidence interval can be used for making inference from the biological experiments. For example, suppose we take a sample of seeds for some(prenominal) given plant and count the number of germinated seeds. Now, from this sample proportion, we can give an estimate of population proportion for the number of seeds that will be germinated by using the large sample confidence interval for a single proportion

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Annual Marketing Plan Nokia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

annual Marketing Plan Nokia - Essay ExampleIt is evident from the study that the cell phone industry is fitting increasingly competitive as different competitors are coming up with newer products with the aim of taking more than and more foodstuff share. The needs of the customers have also become sophisticated and now they are demanding collapse features. In the midst of all this, Nokia is constantly losing market share to rival companies. Apple, Google, HTC, and Samsung are all fashioning inroads into the cell phone industry. These companies have challenged the market leadership of Nokia and in turn have reduced the gross revenue of the company significantly. The situation demands that Nokia acts immediately if the company wants to re important active in the market for a gigantic period. Analysts have suggested modester pricing as the main reason behind companys low loot. Nokia, in the wake of all the new, had to swallow prices in order to compete. This had a toll on the profits of the company. On the other hand Apple and Google are already shrinking the market by targeting the youth. The boilers suit situation is developing to be disastrous for the company. Nokia was once the 5th most blue-chip brand of the world, only if now it has plummeted to 79th. This is evidence of the declining situation of the company. Nokia has to invest in its selling campaign vigorously in order to retain its position in the market. The problem is lower pricing and that can be solved by creating a brand cheer. Nokia has to create a sense of value for the customers and only then it can give up its higher prices. The product line of the company is the widest in the industry so the problem is not with the products quite an it is with the marketing system of the company. The main marketing objective must be to enhance the brand orbit of the company in the eyes of the users. The main concern for the company should be the emerging markets of Asia where population is growing. The jr. population of Asian markets should be targeted by Nokia through marketing campaigns and features of different cell phones should be expired to the youth. The main aim of the company should be to do away with price based competition with smaller brands. price should be higher than smaller brands and lower than Apple and Google. This pricing can attract major globe of the market and Nokia should attempt to cash in this market. The strategy of Nokia should be to provide value to the customers beyond lower pricing. People buy Apple even though it is highly priced just because they expect greater value in return. Nokia is also developing cell phones that are of superior quality but it is essential to communicate this to the customers. The company is currently lowering its prices in India as compared to the prices of similar models in other countries (Daga, 2007). Actually the strategy should be to create a sense of higher quality and then charge a subsidy for that sup erior quality from the customers. A total of change in companys marketing dynamics is needed. Nokia should adopt a more youth oriented approach in its marketing campaigns. The company has in truth recently announced smart phones with Windows. The company is also changing its marketing appeal with more concentre on the younger population (OReilly, 2011). Similar tactics should be used to gain more market share all around the world. Nokia should design similar specific campaigns for different models. Customers should know that Nokia is also a valuable brand like Apple and Google. The new Windows smart phones of Nokia are also not universe sold for at least a couple of months outside United States (Velazco, 2011). This is a good footmark that will enable Nokia to focus on US markets. The company can also gain valuable customer insights before going to international markets. Nokia will have to invest heavily in its marketing campaigns. The products should be advertised heavily using social networking