Monday, May 13, 2019

Leadership for Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership for Health - Essay ExampleHealth carry off industry should be among the most excellently managed industries globally. Leaders in the health compassionate industry should acquaint with the most hard-hitting leading paths and strategies from successful institutions and organisations in applying them for promoting their own. Some of the variably admired traits that nursing leaders should possess embarrass the ability to inspire, exhibit honesty, intelligence, competence and visionary. The four lead styles that demonstrate the ideals of moral leaders include transformational, evidence- base, authentic and servant leadership. Transformational leaders are charismatic and act as role models to their followers. This is because they languish to inspire autonomy as well as promote servant leadership (Nielsen, Yarker, Brenner, Randall and Borg, 2008). They motivate nurses to get in problem solving strategies, team solve in decision making procedures and personal lord deve lopment through strategies such as coaching and mentoring. According to Leach (2005), application of transformational leadership style enhances the act of communicating organisational or professional mission, vision and goals. Shirley (2006) posits that authentic leadership is practised by individuals connected to personal core values, compassionate leadership as well as understanding their own sensory faculty of purpose. Authentic leaders possess profound integrity and have abundant sense of personal judgment of conviction in matters related to personal beliefs and values. Authentic leaders are appropriate for managing and overseeing the nursing units and departments dealing with the assist of old people because their high level of awareness enables them to advise and lead their followers accordingly. Servant leadership is a product of the possession... This paper approves that there is no doubt that health care leadership is at stake. Any health organisation that is mindful of the future should prioritise the tradition of perfect leadership. Improving leadership will involve training the new leaders on effective application of the new applied science and instilling the required leadership capabilities. Leaders in the health sector should learn the most effective methods of management in order to promote the industry into the greater heights. Leaders should ensure that the context and invention in which nursing care is provided is appropriate for improved care. Some of the strategies that enhance improved care include appropriate mixing of skills, creation of the systems that facilitates shared decision making, facilitating staff relationships and establishment of systems that are supportive to the work forceThis report makes a conclusion that technical practice development approaches are short shape and normally focused on the results rather than the strategies used in the achievement of those results. This approach is task based and specific to the pr oject e.g. the inclusion of a new policy in nursing practice or acquiring new skills and competencies. However, this approach is currently ineffective because it involves the application of contemporary top-to-down approach of implementing change. The best healing(predicate) to the technical approach is the emancipatory practice development. Application of this strategy by the nurses involves focusing on the practices that improves health care practice through the development of sustainability and person centred cultures.

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