Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Louis XIV :: essays research papers

LOUIS XIVLouis XIV was one of four leaders, (along with Charles V, Napoleon, and Adolf Hitler) who had an opportunity to establish their hegemony all over much of Europe in the time period after 1500. Although Louis XIV failed in his attempt to dominate Europe politically, it was during this time span that Europe was rattling strongly influenced by French culture and civilization.Louis XIV is a paradigm of European monarchs. He was known as Louis the Great, The Grand Monarch, and the Sun King. Louis lived from 1638 until 1715. He reigned as king of France from 1643 until 1715. He was actually in power from 1661 until 1715. His legacy is somewhat unusual. Some historians believe that Louis wars and heavy taxation policies led eventually to the outbreak of the French Revolution. He repeatedly tried to move Frances eastern boundary to the Rhine river. Two hundred and fifty years after Louis XIV, a leader would emerge in Germany who would claim all that he was trying to do was to reve rse the outcome of the wars fought between Louis XIVs France and the Germans.Louis father was Louis XIII and his mother was Anne of Austria. There is some dispute as to who actually fathered Louis XIV because his father was mentally unstable and did non like Anne of Austria. Whatever the reality, Louis was born on September 5, 1638. By all accounts Louis childhood was not very happy. He was reared primarily by servants. At one point he almost drowned in a pond because no one was ceremony him. His father died on May 14, 1643, when Louis was four and one-half years old. The regent who ruled France during the youth of Louis was Cardinal Mazarin from Italy. Mazarins policies were clever, complex and successful.Mazarin played a major situation in bringing about the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Mazarin basically wanted to end the conflict among the Catholic powers of Europe, and to use the power of France to oppose the Hapsburgs (Austria and Spain). Internally, in France, he wanted to continue the policies of Louis XIII and Richelieu who wanted to curb the powers of the French nobility and strengthen the power of the monarchy.In 1648, when Louis was 10 years old, certain nobles in France and the capital of France Parlement (a court of law) began a civil war against Mazarin and the young king.

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