Saturday, May 18, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology (M1 and D1) Essay

How free energy is officed in the Body (M1)We get chemical energy from food we eat and oxygen that we let loose we need this to get energy into a usable form to be apply by the cells Glucose + group O - Carbon Dioxide + Water(C6H12O6) (O2) Metabolism (carbonic acid gas) (H2O) (1C6H12O6) (6O2) In Cells (6CO2) (6H20)Metabolism is the process of getting chemical energy from bigger molecules in food and breaking them down into smaller molecules by the use of enzymes (which argon biological catalysts that are used to speed up a chemical reactions), the circulative corpse then transports the nutrients to the cells. Theyre dickens types of metabolism which are Catabolism (Aerobic Metabolism) and Anabolism (Anaerobic Metabolism). Catabolism (Aerobic Metabolism) occurs when there is plentiful supply of glucose and oxygen for the cells to use for cellular respiration (Aerobic Respiration happens eventually with the mitochondria in the cells producing A.T.P-Adenosine Triphosphate). Anab olism (Anaerobic Metabolism) will occurs after vigorous figure when demand for glucose and oxygen cannot be met by the body, cells then breakdown proteins to produce energy. This occurs after the body has used up stored glucose called glycogen from the liver. The bi product of this reaction creates lactic acid this builds up in muscles and so forth gives you crampHow the Respiratory and Circulatory System Work Together to Control Metabolism (D1)The face in the circulatory system pumps rail line into the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. The blood is then returned to the heart and the newly oxygenated blood is circulated to the rest of the body. The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases blow dioxide from the body and bring downs in oxygen. This occurs in the respiratory and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used midland respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) forenergy, thus crea ting more carbon dioxide. The circulatory bring the oxygen the lungs take in around the body and bring the carbon dioxide back for the lungs to expel. The lungs bring oxygen into the blood which feeds the heart and the rest of the body.Homeostasis which is the maintenance of internal body condition. The circulatory system maintains homeostasis by transporting nutrients to every cell of the body, carrying away waste products and the pH of blood (blood pH should be 7.2 Slightly Alkaline to much CO2 blood becomes 6.8 Slightly Acidic). The respiratory system maintains homeostasis as it is responsible for bringing in oxygen ( which is then coordinated into the circulatory system and brought to cells in need) and bringing out carbon dioxide (cell waste) (which is brought from the circulatory system to the respiratory system to leave the body)

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